Chapter 7 - Special 125th Street District (125)

The City of New York
Eric Adams, Mayor
City Planning Commission
Daniel R. Garodnick, Chair

The “Special 125th Street District” established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect the public health, safety, general welfare and amenity. The general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:

(a)        to preserve, protect and promote the special character of 125th Street as Harlem’s “Main Street” and the role of 125th Street as Upper Manhattan’s premier mixed use corridor;

(b)        to guide development on the 125th Street corridor;

(c)        to expand the retail and commercial character of 125th Street;

(d)        to provide incentives for the creation of visual and performing arts space and enhance the area’s role as a major arts, entertainment and cultural destination in the City;

(e)        to support mixed use development throughout the 125th Street corridor, including residential uses, and to provide incentives for the production of affordable housing;

(f)        to ensure that the form of new buildings is compatible and relates to the built character of the 125th Street corridor;

(g)        to enhance the pedestrian environment through appropriate ground floor uses and regulations;

(h)        to ensure, in the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict, compatibility with the purposes of the Special East Harlem Corridors District; and  

(i)        to promote the most desirable use of land and thus conserve and enhance the value of land and buildings, and thereby protect the City’s revenue.

In harmony with the general purposes of the Special 125th Street District and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, the express requirements of the Special District shall apply within the Special District.

Except as modified by the particular provisions of the Special District, the regulations of the underlying zoning districts shall remain in effect. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control. However, for transit-adjacent sites or qualifying transit improvement sites, as defined in Section 66-11 (Definitions), in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 (Special Regulations Applying Around Mass Transit Stations), the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 shall control.

The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the Special 125th Street District Plan. The District Plan, including Map 1 (Special 125th Street District and Subdistricts), is set forth in Appendix A of this Chapter and is hereby incorporated as part of this Resolution for the purpose of specifying locations where the special regulations and requirements set forth in this Chapter apply.

In order to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Chapter, three subdistricts are established within the Special 125th Street District: the Core Subdistrict, the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict and Subdistrict A. Each subdistrict includes specific regulations designed to support an arts and entertainment environment and other relevant planning objectives along 125th Street. The boundaries of the subdistricts are shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter.

A Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council shall be created for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations concerning the Community Engagement Plans of proposed operators of visual or performing arts uses pursuant to paragraph (c)(7) of Section 97-423 (Certification for floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses). The Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council shall consist of 11 members: two (2) members appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs, one of whom shall be designated by such Commissioner to serve as Chair, and three (3) members appointed by each of the Council Members for the Councilmanic Districts in which the Special District is located, who will rotate depending upon where the proposed visual or performing arts use is located, pursuant to Sections 97-422 and 97-423. Members of the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council shall be members of the Harlem performing or visual arts, non-profit, or business communities and shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing official. The Department of Cultural Affairs shall provide staff assistance to the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council and shall establish guidelines and procedures for the performance of its functions.

In making a recommendation concerning a Community Engagement Plan pursuant to paragraph (c)(7) of Section 97-423, the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council shall consider the prior history and/or proposed scope of outreach and educational activities in Community Boards 9, 10 or 11 by the proposed operator; and the organizational capacity and commitment of the proposed operator to implement local partnerships under the Community Engagement Plan. The Department of Cultural Affairs shall not submit a letter to the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission pursuant to paragraph (c)(7) of Section 97-423 without having first received and considered the written recommendation of the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council, provided that the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council shall have provided the Department of Cultural Affairs with such written recommendation no later than 45 days following receipt of a request for review from the Department of Cultural Affairs.

Wherever the Special 125th Street District includes an area which also lies within the Special Transit Land Use District, the requirements of the Special Transit Land Use District, as set forth in Article IX, Chapter 5, shall apply, subject to the modifications described in paragraphs (a)(5) and (a)(6) of Section 97-432 (Height and setback regulations in the Core Subdistrict and in areas outside of a subdistrict).

In the Special 125th Street District, buildings containing residences shall be developed or enlarged in accordance with the Quality Housing Program, and the regulations of Article II, Chapter 8 shall apply. The bulk regulations of this Chapter shall be considered the applicable bulk regulations for Quality Housing buildings.  

For the purposes of applying the Inclusionary Housing Program provisions set forth in Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing) and in Section 23-90 (INCLUSIONARY HOUSING), inclusive, Inclusionary Housing designated areas and Mandatory Inclusionary Housing areas within the Special 125th Street District are shown on the maps in APPENDIX F of this Resolution.

In order to sustain the arts and entertainment character of the 125th Street corridor, the provisions of this Section shall apply.

  1. The following uses shall be designated as entertainment uses:

    From Use Group VI

    Eating or drinking establishments

    From Use Group VIII


    Production or entertainment studios.

  2. The following uses shall be designated as visual or performing arts uses:

    From Use Group III


    From Use Group VIII

    Art galleries

    Art, music, dancing or theatrical studios


    Historical exhibits.

Within the Core Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, or for that portion of a zoning lot located within the Core Subdistrict, for buildings or portions of buildings developed or enlarged after April 30, 2008, that contain at least 60,000 square feet of floor area and are located on zoning lots with frontage on 125th Street, an amount of space equivalent to a minimum of five percent of the floor area of the development or enlargement shall be occupied by one or more of the uses designated in Section 97-11 (Special Arts and Entertainment Uses).

Within the Special 125th Street District, for any zoning lot that fronts upon 125th Street, the use regulations of the underlying districts shall be modified by the requirements of this Section, inclusive. However, on through lots or corner lots with frontage along 125th Street, such requirements shall apply within the first 100 feet of the 125th Street street line.

Any arts and entertainment uses listed in Section 97-11 that are provided in order to comply with the requirements of Section 97-12 (Arts and Entertainment Use Requirement) or Section 97-422 (Floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses) shall be subject to the following location and access requirements:

The designated uses listed in Section 97-11 may be located anywhere throughout a building that fronts on 125th Street, provided that:

  1. any such designated uses within the Core Subdistrict required pursuant to Section 97-12 shall be accessed from 125th Street; and
  2. in mixed buildings, the provisions of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall apply. However, such provisions shall be modified where commercial uses are located on the same story as a dwelling unit such that the limitations set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of such Section need not apply.

The underlying ground floor level streetscape provisions set forth in Section 32-30 (STREETSCAPE REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall apply, except that ground floor level street frontages along 125th Street and the portion of Park Avenue within the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict, shall be considered Tier C street frontages.

However, the underlying Tier C street frontage regulations shall be modified as follows: within the Core Subdistrict, a lobby accessing the residential portion of a building may be located on 125th Street only where the building does not have frontage along another street.

The provisions of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be modified such that the limitations set forth in paragraph (a) of such Section need not apply, and the requirements in paragraph (b) of such Section shall apply only where commercial uses are located above any story containing dwelling units

Signs for all uses within the Special 125th Street District shall be subject to the applicable sign requirements in Section 32-60, inclusive, subject to the modifications of Sections 97-31 through 97-34, inclusive.

Marquee signs for an arts use may be combined, subject to the requirements of Section 32-641 (Total surface area of signs).

In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Section, 97-30, inclusive, and other regulations of the Administrative Code, the provisions of this Chapter shall apply.




A “marquee” is a permanent structure or canopy located above the primary entrance to an arts use fronting on 125th Street or Fifth Avenue, that projects over the sidewalk and is attached to, and entirely supported from, the street wall of the building. The location and dimensions of the marquee shall be determined by the requirements of Section 97-32.

All marquees shall comply with the construction and maintenance requirements of Title 27, Subchapter 4, Article 9, of the New York City Building Code, or its successor, pertaining to projecting signs.

Marquee sign

A “marquee sign” is a sign, other than an advertising sign, mounted on a marquee that identifies the arts use and provides informational displays about such use.

For the purposes of this Chapter, marquees shall be permitted only above the primary entrance to one of the following uses fronting upon 125th Street or Fifth Avenue:

From Use Group III


From Use Group VIII

Art, music, dancing or theatrical studios


Marquees shall project over the sidewalk no more than 15 feet from the lot line and shall be no nearer to the curb than two feet.

  1. Height of marquees

    The minimum height of a marquee or a marquee sign shall be three feet; the maximum height for such structure and sign shall be five feet. No part of a marquee or a marquee sign shall be located at a height higher than three feet below any floor containing a residential use.
  2. Width of marquees

    The width of a marquee or a marquee sign shall be no greater than 50 percent of the width of the building frontage to which it is attached or 40 feet, whichever is less.

The minimum vertical distance from the sidewalk for a marquee shall be 12 feet; the maximum vertical distance above the sidewalk for such marquee shall be 20 feet.

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 32-653 (Additional regulations for projecting signs), additional signs may be displayed on a marquee, provided such sign is no more than two feet above the marquee.

No marquee or marquee sign shall be located at a height higher than three feet below any floor containing a residential use.

Notwithstanding the regulations of paragraph (b) of Section 32-653 (Additional regulations for projecting signs) and the relevant provisions of the Administrative Code, only the following visual or performing arts uses fronting on 125th Street or Fifth Avenue within the Special 125th Street District shall be permitted to erect a marquee sign on or above a marquee:

From Use Group III


From Use Group VIII

Art, music, dancing or theatrical studios


Flashing signs shall not be permitted as accessory signs for arts uses.

Within the Special 125th Street District, for developments or enlargements, the applicable bulk regulations of the underlying districts shall apply, except as modified by the provisions this Section, inclusive.

The maximum floor area ratio, open space ratio and lot coverage requirements of the applicable underlying district shall apply within the Special 125th Street District, unless modified by the following regulations.

In C4-4D, C4-7 or C6-3 Districts in the Core Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, and in areas outside of a subdistrict, the maximum permitted floor area ratios shall be as listed in the following table for residential, commercial and community facility uses, and may only be increased pursuant to Section 97-42 (Additional Floor Area and Lot Coverage Regulations), inclusive.


Outside the Core Subdistrict

Within the Core Subdistrict


Residential Floor Area Ratio

Commercial Floor Area Ratio

Community Facility Floor Area Ratio

Residential Floor Area Ratio

Commercial Floor Area Ratio

Community Facility Floor Area Ratio






















Within the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, the maximum floor area ratio for zoning lots is set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section, and is modified for certain zoning lots in accordance with paragraph (b) of this Section.

(a)        Maximum floor area ratio

The maximum floor area ratio shall be 12.0. Where a development or enlargement contains residential floor area, such zoning lot shall satisfy the provisions of either:

(1)        a minimum non-residential floor area ratio of 2.0 shall be provided on such zoning lot. Such floor area shall not include any floor area containing a transient hotel; or

(2)        a minimum floor area ratio of 0.5, or a minimum amount of floor space equivalent to such 0.5 floor area ratio, shall be provided on such zoning lot. Such floor area or equivalent floor space shall be exclusively used for those visual or performing arts uses, designated in paragraph (b) of Section 97-11 (Special Arts and Entertainment Uses), and shall be certified by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the conditions set forth in Section 97-423 (Certification for floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses) have been met.

Where the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 3 (Special Regulations Applying to FRESH Food Stores) apply, the total floor area permitted for such zoning lot may be increased by one square foot of residential floor area for each square foot of floor area of a FRESH food store, as defined by Article VI, Chapter 3, up to 20,000 square feet.

(b)        Modified maximum floor area ratio for certain zoning lots

For zoning lots existing on or before November 30, 2017, with a lot area of less than 5,000 square feet, or for zoning lots subject to the provisions of paragraph (d)(4) of Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing), the maximum floor area ratios set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section shall be modified, as follows:

(1)        the minimum non-residential floor area requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section shall be optional for zoning lots existing on or before November 30, 2017, with a lot area of less than 5,000 square feet. For zoning lots utilizing the provisions of this paragraph, the minimum non-residential floor area or visual or performing arts space requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section shall not apply;

(2)        for zoning lots, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (d)(4)(i) or (d)(4)(iii) of Section 23-154, the maximum residential floor area provision of the underlying district as specified in Section 23-153 (For Quality Housing buildings) shall apply; and

(3)        for zoning lots utilizing the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this Section, the maximum overall floor area ratio shall be 10.0, except that such maximum floor area ratio may be increased pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 97-422 (Floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses). For zoning lots utilizing the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this Section, such maximum floor area ratio may also be increased pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 3.

In Subdistrict A, the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 9.0 and the maximum floor area ratio for non-residential uses shall be 10.0. Such maximum non-residential floor area may only be increased pursuant to paragraph (c) of Section 97-422 (Floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses).

Within Inclusionary Housing designated areas, as specified in APPENDIX F of this Resolution, the maximum floor area ratio may be increased pursuant to the floor area provisions of Section 97-421 (Inclusionary Housing) or paragraph (a) of Section 97-422 (Floor area bonus for visual or performing arts uses), which may be used concurrently.

Within Mandatory Inclusionary Housing areas, as specified in APPENDIX F of this Resolution, the maximum floor area ratio may be increased for certain zoning lots specified in paragraph (b) or (c), as applicable, of Section 97-412 (Maximum floor area ratio in the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict) by the provisions of Section 97-422.

For developments or enlargements on qualifying transit improvement sites, a floor area bonus for mass transit station improvements may be granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 66-51 (Additional Floor Area for Mass Transit Station Improvements). Bonuses pursuant to Sections 66-51, 97-421 and 97-422 may be applied separately or in combination. For the purposes of this paragraph, defined terms additionally include those in Section 66-11 (Definitions).

In Inclusionary Housing designated areas within C4-4D, C4-7 and C6-3 Districts in the Core Subdistrict or areas outside of a subdistrict, the residential floor area ratio may be increased by an Inclusionary Housing bonus, pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing).

(a)        In C4-4D, C4-7 or C6-3 Districts within the Core Subdistrict or areas outside of a subdistrict, for a development or enlargement with frontage on 125th Street, the maximum floor area ratio otherwise permitted for residential or commercial uses listed in Section 97-411 may be increased up to the maximum floor area ratio specified in the table in this Section, provided that for every four square feet of bonused floor area, an amount of space equivalent to one square foot of such bonused floor area shall be used for those visual or performing arts uses designated in paragraph (b) of Section 97-11 (Special Arts and Entertainment Uses). Such bonused floor area shall be permitted only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the conditions set forth in Section 97-423 have been met.


Within areas outside a subdistrict

Within the Core Subdistrict

Residential Floor Area Ratio

Commercial Floor Area Ratio

Residential Floor Area Ratio

Commercial Floor Area Ratio




































(b)        In C6-4 Districts within the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict, for a development or enlargement, the maximum floor area ratio permitted in paragraph (b) of Section 97-412 (Maximum floor area ratio in the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict) may be increased up to a maximum floor area ratio of 12.0, provided that for every four square feet of bonused floor area, an amount of space equivalent to one square foot of floor area shall be used for those visual or performing arts uses designated in paragraph (b) of Section 97-11 (Special Arts and Entertainment Uses). Such bonused floor area shall be permitted only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the conditions set forth in Section 97-423 have been met.

(c)        In C4-7 Districts within Subdistrict A, for a development or enlargement, the maximum floor area ratio permitted in Section 97-413 (Maximum floor area ratio in Subdistrict A) may be increased up to a maximum floor area ratio of 12.0, provided that for every four square feet of bonused floor area, an amount of space equivalent to one square foot of floor area shall be used for those visual or performing arts uses designated in paragraph (b) of Section 97-11 (Special Arts and Entertainment Uses). Such bonused floor area shall be permitted only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the conditions set forth in Section 97-423 have been met.

The minimum non-residential floor area or equivalent floor space provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412 (Maximum floor area ratio in the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict) or the floor area bonus provisions of Section 97-422 shall apply only upon certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission to the Commissioner of Buildings that the following conditions have been met:

(a)        Drawings have been provided that clearly designate all floor area permitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412, or all floor area that will result from the permitted increase in floor area ratio pursuant to Section 97-422, including the location of such floor area.

(b)        Drawings also have been provided that clearly designate all floor area or below grade floor space for any new visual or performing arts uses provided for the purposes of satisfying the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412, or for which a bonus is to be received pursuant to Section 97-422.

Such drawings shall be of sufficient detail to show that such designated space shall be designed, arranged and used for the new visual arts or performing arts uses, and shall also show that:

(1)        all such visual or performing arts uses are located at or above the ground floor level of the building, except that performance space meeting the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this Section may be located below grade, and accessory uses may be located below grade, subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(5) of this Section;

(2)        all bonused floor area or below-grade space occupied by visual or performing arts uses is primarily accessed from 125th Street, except where such visual or performing arts floor area or floor space is provided pursuant to paragraphs (a)(2) of Section 97-412 or (b)(2) of Section 97-422. However, all bonused floor area or below-grade floor space occupied by visual or performing arts uses within a development may be primarily accessed from Fifth Avenue, provided the following conditions are met:

(i)        the zoning lot must have at least 150 feet of Fifth Avenue frontage where such primary entrance is provided; and

(ii)        signage that identifies the visual or performing arts uses shall be provided at both the primary entrance on Fifth Avenue and on 125th Street;

(3)        in the case of primary rehearsal space, where such space does not consist of accessory uses subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(4), such space:

(i)        can be adapted for rehearsals or performances open to the public;

(ii)        is located on the first story of the building or on any higher story with a ceiling height not greater than 60 feet above grade;

(iii)        has a street wall with at least 50 feet of frontage along 125th Street, except for visual or performing arts uses with primary entrances provided pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this Section. In addition, where such primary rehearsal space is provided pursuant to paragraphs (a)(2) of Section 97-412 or (b)(2) of Section 97-422 such street wall with 50 feet of frontage need not be along 125th Street,

(iv)        has a minimum area of 2,000 square feet, with a floor-to-ceiling height of not less than 9 feet, 6 inches; and  

(v)        complies with the following glazing requirements, except for visual or performing arts uses with primary entrances provided pursuant to paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this Section: at least 70 percent of the total surface area of the street wall abutting the primary rehearsal space, measured from finished floor to ceiling shall be glazed. Furthermore, at least 90 percent of such area shall be transparent from within one foot of the finished floor level to at least eight feet above such level. For primary rehearsal spaces located at the corner of 125th Street and an intersecting street, the glazing requirements of this Section shall be applied separately for each street wall, and up to 100 feet along such intersecting street;

(4)        for performance space which is exclusively designed and arranged for the presentation of live drama, music, dance and interactive or multidisciplinary performances open to the public, such space may be below grade provided it has a minimum area of 2,000 square feet of column-free space with a floor-to-ceiling height of not less than 16 feet;

(5)        Accessory space

(i)        For primary rehearsal spaces, no more than 25 percent of such minimum required floor area or equivalent below grade floor space, or such bonused floor area or below grade floor space shall be occupied by uses accessory to such primary rehearsal spaces. Accessory uses shall include but are not limited to educational and classroom space, administrative offices, circulation space, restrooms and equipment space;

(ii)        For visual or performing arts uses other than a primary rehearsal space, no more than 40 percent of such minimum required floor area or equivalent below grade floor space, or such bonused floor area or below grade floor space shall be occupied by uses accessory to such visual or performing arts uses, provided no single accessory use occupies more than 25 percent of such total minimum required floor area or equivalent below-grade floor space, or bonused floor area or below grade floor space. Accessory uses shall include but are not limited to educational and classroom space, non-primary rehearsal space, administrative offices, lobbies, circulation space, ticket offices, restrooms, dressing rooms, other backstage areas and equipment space; and

(6)        Signage

(i)        Signage that identifies the visual or performing arts facility shall be provided at the 125th Street entrance of the visual or performing arts facility, subject to the requirements of Section 97-30, inclusive, except where such visual or performing arts facility is provided pursuant to paragraphs (a)(2) of Section 97-412 or (b)(2) of Section 97-422; and

(ii)        For below grade performance space subject to the requirements of paragraph (b)(4) of this Section, such sign, not including any frame or surrounding element, shall be utilized for the additional purpose of informing the public regarding the program of scheduled performances in such facility, and shall be no less than two feet in width and four feet in height, and shall be installed a minimum of 2 feet, 6 inches above grade;  

(c)        A letter from the Department of Cultural Affairs has been submitted to the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission, certifying that:

(1)        a signed lease has been provided from the prospective operator of the visual or performing arts space, or a written commitment from the owner of such space in a form acceptable to the City, if such owner is also the operator, for occupancy of such space, and its operation as a visual or performing arts space for a period of not less than 15 years, with two five-year renewal options, pursuant to an operating plan and program therefor;

(2)        the proposed operator of the visual or performing arts space is a non-profit organization;

(3)        the proposed operator of the visual or performing arts space has the fiscal and managerial capacity to successfully operate such space;

(4)        the proposed operator of the visual or performing arts space will have a program of regularly scheduled presentations or performances that are open to the public, provided that, in the case of a visual or performing arts space that is a primary rehearsal space, a program of regularly scheduled rehearsals or performances open to the public shall be required only where the proposed operator is the principal user of the primary rehearsal space. In the event that the proposed operator is not the principal user of the primary rehearsal space and such space is made available to multiple organizations or individuals on an hourly, weekly, monthly or similar basis, the proposed operator shall allow open rehearsals or performances open to the public to be sponsored by such organizations or individuals, upon request;

(5)        preliminary design plans have been provided to the Department of Cultural Affairs for the visual or performing arts space, which shall include sufficient detail regarding core, shell, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems necessary to ensure that such visual or performing arts space will operate efficiently for its intended use;

(6)        a written commitment has been provided ensuring that there are financial resources available for the timely completion of the identified scope of work; and

(7)        the proposed operator of the visual or performing arts space has a Community Engagement Plan that will effectively encourage public access and use of the visual or performing arts space, provide educational opportunities to the local community, and address new, undeveloped and/or underserved audience or participant groups. The Department of Cultural Affairs shall make its determination concerning the sufficiency of the Community Engagement Plan based upon consideration of the written recommendation of the Bonused Space Local Arts Advisory Council with respect thereto.

(d)        A legal commitment by the owner has been provided:

(1)        for the operator of the visual or performing arts space to submit an annual program report, describing the use of the space during the previous year, to the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission, the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs, the Manhattan Borough President, the applicable Community Board and the local Council Member; and

(2)        for inspection and ongoing maintenance of the visual or performing arts space to ensure its continued availability for use as a visual or performing arts space. Such inspection shall be conducted every five years by a licensed engineer or architect, and a report identifying the operator utilizing the space, describing the condition of the space and identifying any maintenance or repair work necessary to ensure the physical and operational soundness of such space, and establishing a plan and program for such work, including providing that adequate resources be made available to ensure timely completion of such maintenance or repair work, shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission and the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs;

(e)        A legal commitment by the owner has been provided for continued occupancy of all floor area or equivalent floor space provided for the purposes of satisfying minimum equivalent non-residential floor space provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412, or for which a bonus has been received pursuant to Section 97-422, as a visual or performing arts space only in accordance with the drawings and design plans provided pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c)(5) of this Section, and providing further that in the event of a change of operator, the owner or operator shall obtain a new certification pursuant to this Section. An adult establishment use shall be prohibited for the life of the development or enlargement.

(1)        notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph (e), an owner shall not be in violation of such legal commitment during a grace period consisting of:

(i)        six (6) months from the date the visual or performing arts space is vacated by the operator, provided owner timely notifies the Departments of City Planning and Cultural Affairs of such vacancy in accordance with the requirements of the legal commitment;

(ii)        the period of review by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission and the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs with respect to a new operator and any associated change of design or use requirements pursuant to this Section, provided that application for certification pursuant to this Section is made no later than the expiration of the six month period set forth in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this Section;

(iii)        any period set forth in such certification as necessary to allow for the modification of design to accommodate a new operator; and

(iv)        any event of force majeure;

(2)        in the event that the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission determines that the requirements for certification pursuant to this Section with respect to a change of operator and associated change of design or use requirements are not satisfied, the grace period set forth in paragraph (e)(1) of this Section shall thereupon apply from the date of such determination;

(f)        A legal commitment by the owner has been provided that all visual arts exhibitions or presentations of live drama, music, dance, interactive or multidisciplinary performances shall be open to the public in accordance with the terms of the letter issued by the Commissioner of Cultural Affairs, pursuant to paragraph (c) of this Section;

(g)        A legal commitment by the owner has been provided that, in the event of an adjudicated violation of the provisions of paragraph (e) of this Section, requiring the continued occupancy of all floor area or equivalent floor space provided for the purposes of satisfying minimum equivalent non-residential floor space provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412, or for which a bonus has been received, pursuant to Section 97-422, as a visual and performing arts space only, the owner shall not permit the occupancy of any floor area in the development or enlargement which is vacant as of the date of such adjudication or thereafter, or up to the amount of the increased floor area permitted under Section 97-422, as applicable, until such time as the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission has determined that the visual or performing arts space is occupied in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

Such legal commitments shall be in the form of a declaration of restrictions, filed and duly recorded in the Borough Office of the Register of the City of New York, binding upon the owner of the visual or performing arts space and their successors and assigns, a certified copy of which shall be submitted to the Chairperson. The filing of such declaration and the posting of any bond or other security required by the Chairperson under the terms of such declaration, and receipt of a certified copy of such declaration shall be preconditions to issuance of any building permit, including any foundation or alteration permit, for any development or enlargement.

The owner shall not apply for or accept a temporary certificate of occupancy for such portion of the development or enlargement identified under the terms of the declaration of restrictions as utilizing the floor area permitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412 or the increased floor area permitted pursuant to Section 97-422, and the Department of Buildings shall not issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for such portion of the development or enlargement, until the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs has certified that the visual or performing arts space is substantially complete. The owner shall not apply for or accept a permanent certificate of occupancy for such portion of the development or enlargement, nor shall the Department of Buildings issue a permanent certificate of occupancy for such portion of the development or enlargement, until the visual or performing arts space has been finally completed in accordance with the approved plans and such final completion has been certified by the Commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs. The declaration of restrictions shall be noted on any temporary or final certificate of occupancy for the building. The temporary or final certificate of occupancy for any portion of the development or enlargement identified under the terms of the declaration of restrictions as utilizing the floor area permitted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of Section 97-412 or the increased floor area permitted pursuant to Section 97-422 shall include the provisions of paragraph (e) of this Section, requiring the continued occupancy of all floor area for which a bonus has been received as a visual or performing arts space only, as a condition of occupancy of such portion of the development or enlargement.

In granting the original certification, the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission may specify such changes in design or use that would not warrant further certification pursuant to this Section.

The maximum lot coverage for residential use in C6-3 Districts within the Special 125th Street District shall be 70 percent for interior or through lots and 100 percent for corner lots.

Within the Special 125th Street District, the underlying height and setback regulations shall be modified in accordance with the provisions of this Section, inclusive.

The provisions of Section 33-42 (Permitted Obstructions) shall apply, except that dormers may penetrate a maximum base height in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c)(1) of Section 23-623 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts).

(a)        Street wall location

In all Commercial Districts within the Core Subdistrict and areas outside of a subdistrict, the street wall shall be located on the street line of 125th Street and extend along the entire street frontage of the zoning lot up to at least the applicable minimum base height of the underlying district, or the height of the building, whichever is less.

The street wall location provisions of such Commercial Districts shall be modified, as follows:

(1)        On Park Avenue, within 10 feet of its intersection with any street, the street wall may be located anywhere within 10 feet of the Park Avenue street line. However, to allow articulation of the street walls pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section, the street walls may be located anywhere within an area bounded by a street line, the street wall on Park Avenue and a line connecting these two lines 15 feet from their intersection.

(2)        To allow articulation of street walls at the intersection of any two streets within the Special District, the street wall may be located anywhere within an area bounded by the two street lines and a line connecting such street lines at points 15 feet from their intersection.

(3)        Recesses, not to exceed three feet in depth from the street line, shall be permitted on the ground floor where required to provide access to the building. Above the height of the second story and up to the applicable maximum base height, recesses are permitted for outer courts or balconies, provided that the aggregate width of such recesses does not exceed 30 percent of the width of the street wall at any level, and the depth of such recesses does not exceed five feet. No recesses shall be permitted within 20 feet of an adjacent building or within 30 feet of the intersection of two street lines, except in compliance with corner articulation rules.

(4)        The street wall location and minimum street wall height provisions of this Section shall not apply to any existing buildings that are to remain on the zoning lot.

(5)        For any development or enlargement that is partially within the Special Transit Land Use District and located directly over the planned Second Avenue subway line tunnel, the residential portion of such development or enlargement may be constructed pursuant to the R8A street wall requirements and the commercial portion of such development or enlargement may be constructed pursuant to the C4-4D street wall requirements in lieu of the requirements of this Section.

(6)        The requirements of this Section shall apply within the Special Transit Land Use District except that, for the area of the Special Transit Land Use District that is also within the Special 125th Street District, a street wall of a development or enlargement located on the street line of a zoning lot need not exceed 15 feet if that portion of the development or enlargement is located directly over the planned Second Avenue subway line tunnel.

(b)        Maximum height of building and setback

The following modifications of the underlying district regulations shall apply for C4-7 and C6-3 Districts within the Core Subdistrict and areas outside of a subdistrict:

(1)        The minimum and maximum base height of the street wall and the maximum height of a building or other structure shall be as set forth in the following table:



Street Wall Height (in feet)        

Maximum Height of Building or Other Structure (in feet)

Minimum Base Height

Maximum Base Height









All portions of buildings or other structures that exceed a height of 85 feet in C4-7 and C6-3 Districts shall be set back at least 15 feet from the street line, except that such setback depth may include the depth of any permitted recess in the street wall, according to the provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 97-432 (Height and setback regulations in the Core Subdistrict and in areas outside of a subdistrict).

(2)        Special regulations for certain C4-7 Districts

(i)        For the area located within 50 feet of the 126th Street frontage and between 200 feet east of Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard and 150 feet west of Lenox Avenue/Malcolm X Boulevard, the height of any portion of a building or other structure shall be limited to 80 feet.

(ii)        For zoning lots bounded by 125th Street, Park Avenue and 124th Street, the maximum height of a building or other structure shall be 330 feet.

(iii)        For Lots 1 and 7501 on Block 1910, the requirements of City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) Environmental Designation Number (E-102) have been modified, as set forth in the Technical Memorandum to the Final Environmental Impact Statement for CEQR Number 07DCP030M, dated July 18, 2008.

(3)        In C6-3 Districts, the maximum length of any story located above a height of 85 feet shall not exceed 150 feet. Such length shall be measured by inscribing within a rectangle the outermost walls at the level of each story entirely above a height of 85 feet. No side of such rectangle shall exceed a width of 150 feet.  

In C6-4 Districts within the Park Avenue Hub Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, the following provisions shall apply.

(a)        Street wall location

The applicable provisions of Section 35-651 shall be modified as follows:

(1)        Along 125th Street

The minimum base height shall be 60 feet, or the height of the building, whichever is less, except that for buildings or portions thereof within 50 feet of Park Avenue, the minimum base height shall be 40 feet, or the height of the building, whichever is less. The street wall location provisions of this paragraph shall be modified to allow a sidewalk widening pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a)(2) of this Section; and

(2)        Along Park Avenue and narrow streets

The provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-651 shall apply, except that the minimum base height shall be 40 feet, or the height of the building, whichever is less.

In addition, for zoning lots with frontage along Park Avenue between 124th Street and 125th Street, any development or horizontal enlargement shall provide a sidewalk widening along the street line of Park Avenue. Such sidewalk widening shall have a depth of 10 feet, be improved to Department of Transportation standards for sidewalks, and be at the same level as the adjoining public sidewalk.

(b)        Basic maximum building height and setback regulations

The maximum height of buildings or other structures shall be as set forth in Sections 35-652 (Maximum height of buildings and setback regulations) or 35-654 (Modified height and setback regulations for certain Inclusionary Housing buildings or affordable independent residences for seniors), as applicable, except that the minimum base height shall be as set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section, and the maximum base height for buildings or other structures along the street line of 125th Street and within 50 feet of such street line shall be 85 feet.

For the purposes of applying the provisions for qualifying ground floors, the provisions of Section 97-20 (GROUND FLOOR LEVEL REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall apply in lieu of the applicable provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of Section 35-652.

(c)        Optional height and setback regulations

As an alternative to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section, the provisions of this paragraph (c) may be applied to zoning lots meeting the criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 23-664 (Modified height and setback regulations for certain Inclusionary Housing buildings or affordable independent residences for seniors), or zoning lots where 50 percent or more of the floor area is allocated to non-residential uses.

(1)        Setbacks

At a height not lower than the minimum base height specified in paragraph (a) of this Section, nor higher than a maximum base height of 85 feet, a setback shall be provided in accordance with paragraph (c) of Section 23-662 (Maximum height of buildings and setback regulations). Above such required setback, any portion of a building or buildings on the zoning lot shall be considered a “tower.”

(2)        Lot coverage requirements for towers

Each story of a tower containing residential floor area shall not exceed a maximum lot coverage of 40 percent, except that, for zoning lots less than 20,000 square feet, such lot coverage may be increased in accordance with the table in Section 23-65 (Tower Regulations). Each story of a tower allocated exclusively to non-residential floor area shall not exceed a maximum lot coverage of 50 percent. However, where dormers are provided within the required setback, such portions of buildings shall not count toward the maximum allowable lot coverage set forth in this paragraph.

(3)        Maximum building height

No height limit shall apply to towers.

Within Subdistrict A, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, the underlying height and setback regulations for Quality Housing buildings shall apply, except that in C4-7 Districts, the minimum and maximum base heights and the overall maximum building height provisions of Section 35-65, inclusive, shall be modified in accordance with the following table: Maximum height of buildings.



Street Wall Height (in feet)

Maximum Height of Building or Other Structure (in feet)

Minimum Base Height

Maximum Base Height





Above the maximum base height, a setback shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) of Section 23-662.

The regulations of Article VII, Chapter 7 (Special Provisions for Zoning Lots Divided by District Boundaries) shall apply within the Special 125th Street District, except that for any zoning lot that is completely within the Core Subdistrict, floor area may be located anywhere on such zoning lot without regard to the requirements of Section 77-22 (Floor Area Ratio), subject to the applicable height and setback regulations.

The underlying provisions of Article II, Chapter 5, Article III, Chapter 6 and Article IV, Chapter 4 (Accessory Off-street Parking and Off-street Loading Regulations) shall apply within the Special 125th Street District, subject to modification by the regulations of this Section, inclusive.

Enclosed parking spaces, or parking spaces covered by a building, including such spaces accessory to residences shall be permitted to occupy the ground floor provided they are located beyond 30 feet of the street wall of the building.

The applicable district regulations for the location of accessory off-street parking spaces along 125th Street within the Special District may be modified, so that such facilities may be provided off-site, within a Commercial District, but at a distance no greater than 1,200 feet from the zoning lot.

Accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be provided for all developments or enlargements within the Special 125th Street District that contain residences, according to the provisions of the underlying district, as modified by the provisions of Section 97-50 (SPECIAL OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS), inclusive. However, for developments or enlargements within R6A Districts, the off-street parking regulations of an R7-2 District, as modified by the provisions of Section 97-50, inclusive, shall apply.

In Commercial Districts within the Core Subdistrict, as shown on Map 1 in Appendix A of this Chapter, and areas outside of a subdistrict, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided if required by Section 36-21, as modified by the provisions of Section 97-50 (SPECIAL OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS), inclusive, except that no accessory parking spaces shall be required for commercial uses in C4-4D Districts.

Curb cuts for entrances and exits to accessory off-street parking facilities or for loading berths shall not be located on 125th Street or any other wide street that intersects with 125th Street, other than under the specific conditions of Sections 97-55 (Certification for Access to Required Uses) and 97-56 (Authorization for Access to Permitted Parking Facilities or Loading Berths).

Such certification or authorization shall not be required if parking and loading requirements can be met through the provisions of 97-54 (Parking Access Through Zoning Lots in Residence Districts).

For a zoning lot within a Residence District, which zoning lot fronts upon either 124th or 126th Street and the rear lot line abuts a zoning lot that fronts only on 125th Street, and such zoning lot has been vacant since April 30, 2008, access for parking and loading purposes may be provided through such zoning lot.

If access to a required accessory residential parking facility or loading berth is not possible because of the requirements of Section 97-53 (Location of Access to the Street), or, for developments in Subarea A, the requirements of Section 36-683 (Restrictions on location of berths near Residence Districts), a curb cut may be allowed if the City Planning Commission certifies to the Commissioner of Buildings that such location is:

(a)        the only possible location for the facility or loading berth;

(b)        not hazardous to traffic safety;

(c)        located not less than 50 feet from the intersection of any two street lines; and

(d)        constructed and maintained so as to have a minimal effect on the streetscape.

Such curb cut, if granted, shall be no greater than 20 feet in width.

The Commissioner may refer such matter to the Department of Transportation, or its successor, for a report and may base the determination on such report.

The City Planning Commission may authorize curb cuts for the following parking facility or loading berths:

(a)        If access to a permitted accessory residential or public parking facility is not possible due to the requirements of Section 97-53, the Commission may authorize curb cuts for such uses, provided such curb cuts:

(1)        will not create or contribute to serious traffic congestion or unduly inhibit vehicular and pedestrian movement; and

(2)        will not interfere with the efficient functioning of public transit facilities.

(b)        If access to a permitted loading berth is not possible due to the requirements of Section 97-53, the Commission may authorize curb cuts for such use, provided:

(1)        such loading berths are adjacent to a fully enclosed maneuvering area on the zoning lot;

(2)        such maneuvering area is at least equal in size to the area of the loading berth; and

(3)        there is adequate space to permit head-in and head-out truck movements to and from the zoning lot.

Such curb cut, if granted, shall be no greater than 20 feet in width.

The Commission may refer such matter to the Department of Transportation, or its successor, for a report and may base the determination on such report.

Applications for authorizations shall be referred to the affected Community Board for a period of at least 30 days for comment. The Commission shall grant in whole or in part or deny the application within 60 days of the completion of the Community Board review period.

Notwithstanding the special permit regulations of Section 74-194 (Public parking garages or public parking lots in high density central areas), public parking garages with 150 spaces or less shall be permitted as-of-right in C4-7 and C6 Districts, subject to the requirements of Section 36-50, inclusive, pertaining to surfacing and screening, and Section 97-53 (Location of Access to the Street). Public parking garages with more than 150 spaces shall be subject to the requirements of Sections 74-193 (Public parking garages or public parking lots outside high density central areas) or 74-194, as applicable.

Public parking lots are not permitted on zoning lots with 125th Street frontage within the Special District.


Appendix A

Special 125th Street District Plan

Map 1: Special 125th Street District and Subdistricts (97A.1)

Zoning Resolutions Chapter 7: Special 125th Street District Appendix A.0
