Chapter 3 - Special Mixed Use District (MX)

The City of New York
Eric Adams, Mayor
City Planning Commission
Daniel R. Garodnick, Chair

The "Special Mixed Use District" regulations established in this Chapter of the Resolution are designed to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare. These general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:

(a)        to encourage investment in mixed residential and industrial neighborhoods by permitting expansion and new development of a wide variety of uses in a manner ensuring the health and safety of people using the area;

(b)        to promote the opportunity for workers to live in the vicinity of their work;

(c)        to create new opportunities for mixed use neighborhoods;

(d)        to recognize and enhance the vitality and character of existing and potential mixed use neighborhoods; and

(e)        to promote the most desirable use of land in accordance with a well-considered plan and thus conserve the value of land and buildings and thereby protect City tax revenues.

The provisions of this Chapter shall apply within the Special Mixed Use District. The regulations of all other Chapters of this Resolution are applicable, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control. However, in flood zones, or for transit-adjacent sites or qualifying transit improvement sites, as defined in Section 66-11 (Definitions), in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 4 (Special Regulations Applying in Flood Hazard Areas), or Article VI, Chapter 6 (Special Regulations Applying Around Mass Transit Stations), the provisions of Article VI shall control.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, an M1 District is paired with a Residence District, as indicated on the zoning maps.

The designated Residence Districts in Special Mixed Use Districts shall not include either an R1 or an R2 District.



Definitions specifically applicable to this Chapter are set forth in this Section. The definitions of other defined terms are set forth in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS).


Accessory use

In addition to those "accessory uses" listed in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), for the purposes of this Chapter, an accessory use shall also include a dwelling unit in connection with any commercial, manufacturing or community facility establishment permitted in Special Mixed Use Districts, pursuant to Section 123-20 (SPECIAL USE REGULATIONS), provided that no more than one such unit shall be permitted in connection with any establishment, and provided further that each such unit shall not exceed a gross area of 1,200 square feet or contain more than one kitchen.


Home occupation

For the purposes of this Chapter, the home occupation provisions of Section 12-10 shall apply, except that a home occupation may occupy more than 1,000 square feet of floor area and up to three persons not residing in the dwelling unit or rooming unit may be employed.


Mixed use building

For the purposes of this Chapter, a "mixed use building" is a building in the Special Mixed Use District used partly for manufacturing, commercial or community facility use and partly for residential use.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, all uses permitted in the designated Residence District and all uses permitted in the designated M1 District, as set forth in any other provision of this Resolution other than Special Purpose Districts, shall be permitted, except as superseded, modified or supplemented by this Section, inclusive, and Section 123-40 (SIGN REGULATIONS). 

In Special Mixed Use Districts, the regulations for M1 Districts are modified as follows:

  1. Use Group IV

    The provisions of M1 Districts set forth in Section 42-14 (Use Group IV – Public Service Facilities and Infrastructure), inclusive, shall apply, except that for uses listed under Use Group IV(B), the provisions of C7 Districts set forth in Section 32-14 (Use Group IV – Public Service Facilities and Infrastructure), inclusive, shall apply.
  2. Use Group VI 

    The provisions of M1 Districts set forth in Section 42-16 (Use Group VI – Retail and Services), inclusive, shall apply, except that for uses listed in paragraph (c) of Section 42-163 (Use Group VI – uses subject to additional conditions), the provisions of Section 123-22 (Additional Conditions for Certain Uses) shall apply.
  3. Use Group IX

    The provisions of M1 Districts set forth in Section 42-19 (Use Group IX – Storage), inclusive, shall apply, except that all uses listed under Use Group IX(B) shall not be permitted. In addition, the storage of substances in quantities required to file a Risk Management Plan for Extremely Hazardous Substances shall be subject to the provisions of Section 123-22 (Additional Conditions for Certain Uses).
  4. Use Group X

    The provisions of C7 Districts set forth in Section 32-20 (Use Group X – Production Uses), inclusive, shall apply, except that:
    1. the size limitations on the ground floor, as set forth in paragraph (b) of Section 32-202 (Use Group X – uses subject to size limitations) shall not apply; and
    2. the additional conditions of Section 32-203 (Use Group X – additional conditions) shall be superseded by the provisions of Section 123-22 (Additional Conditions for Certain Uses).

The following shall apply to commercial and manufacturing uses subject to the provisions of this Section pursuant to Section 123-21:

  1. Performance standards

    All applicable commercial and manufacturing uses shall conform to the performance standards for M1 Districts as set forth in Section 42-40 (PERFORMANCE STANDARDS) through 42-48 (Performance Standards Regulating Humidity, Heat or Glare), inclusive. 
  2. Additional standards for buildings containing residences or certain community facility uses

    All applicable commercial and manufacturing uses may only locate in the same building as, or share a common wall with a building containing a residence or a community facility use with sleeping accommodations:
    1. where such commercial or manufacturing use
      1. does not have a New York City or New York State environmental rating of “A”, “B” or “C” under Section 24–153 of the New York City Administrative Code for any process equipment requiring a New York City Department of Environmental Protection operating certificate or New York State Department of Environmental Conservation state facility permit; and
      2. is not required, under the City Right-to-Know Law, to file a Risk Management Plan for Extremely Hazardous Substances; or 
    2. In MX-19, upon the submission to the Department of Buildings of a copy of a restrictive declaration, in a form acceptable to the Department of Environmental Protection, that has been executed and recorded in the Office of the City Register against all tax lots with such use, binding the owners, successors, and assigns to provide any building design requirements consistent with the underlying zoning as may be approved by the Department of Environmental Protection to protect residents of such building from air contaminants, odors, vibrations, or noise.

In the event that provisions of this Resolution permit a use by special permit, authorization or certification in both designated M1 and Residence Districts, no more than one special permit, authorization or certification is required to permit any such use in the Special Mixed Use District.

In the event that a provision of this Resolution permits a use by special permit, authorization or certification in either a designated M1 or Residence District and another provision permits such use without a special permit, authorization or certification in the other designated district, no special permit, certification or authorization shall be required in the Special Mixed Use District. In such case, the bulk regulations of the district allowing the use as-of-right shall control.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, in any building or portion of a building occupied by residential uses, commercial or manufacturing uses may be located only on a story below the lowest story occupied by dwelling units, except that this limitation shall not preclude the:

  1. extension of a permitted business sign, accessory to such non-residential use, to a maximum height of two feet above the level of a finished floor of the second story, but in no event higher than six inches below the lowest window sill on the second story;
  2. location of commercial or manufacturing uses on the same story, or on a story higher than that occupied by dwelling units, in buildings in existence on or prior to December 10, 1997, that are partially converted to residential use pursuant to Article I, Chapter 5 (Residential Conversion Within Existing Buildings), as modified in Section 123-67 (Residential Conversion); or
  3. location of commercial or manufacturing uses on the same story, or on a story higher than that occupied by dwelling units, provided that:  
    1. no access exists between such uses at any level containing dwelling units; and
    2. the environmental requirements set forth in Section 32-423 shall be met where commercial or manufacturing uses are located above any story containing dwelling units.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, all new dwelling units shall be provided with a minimum 35dB(A) of window wall attenuation to maintain an interior noise level of 45dB(A) or less, with windows closed, and shall provide an alternate means of ventilation. However, upon application to the Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) by the owner of the affected building, consistent with its authority under the provisions of Section 11-15 (Environmental Requirements) with respect to (E) designations, OER may modify the requirements of this Section, based upon new information, additional facts or updated standards, as applicable, provided that such modification is equally protective. In such instances, OER shall provide the Department of Buildings with notice of such modification, stating that it does not object to the issuance of a building permit, or temporary or final certificate of occupancy.

In M1 Districts paired with a Residence District, high-intensity uses, as listed in the definition of health and fitness establishments, shall be subject to the enclosure and environmental conditions for C7 Districts set forth in Section 32-16 (Use Group VI – Retail and Services), inclusive.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, the provisions regulating signs in C6-1 Districts, as set forth in Section 32-60 (SIGN REGULATIONS), shall apply for any sign. For the purposes of applying such regulations in Special Mixed Use Districts, all references to mixed buildings shall include mixed use buildings.

In MX-9 Districts, the provisions of this Section shall apply, except that the City Planning Commission may permit the modification of the applicable provisions of Sections 32-64 (Surface Area and Illumination Provisions) and 32-65 (Permitted Projection or Height of Signs), provided the Commission finds that such signs are consistent with the character of the surrounding area. However, no modification shall be made to the applicable provisions of Section 32-644 (Illuminated or flashing signs in C4, C5-4, C6 or C7 Districts) relating to flashing signs.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, a non-conforming use may be changed only to a conforming use.

The following Sections of Article V, Chapter 2 (Non-conforming Uses), shall not apply: Sections 52-32 through 52-37, inclusive; Sections 52-43 through 52-45, inclusive; Sections 52-54, 52-56, 52-62, 52-72, 52-731, 52-732, 52-74, and 52-75.

All buildings or other structures on zoning lots within the Special Mixed Use District shall comply with the bulk regulations of this Chapter.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, the bulk regulations set forth in Article II, Chapter 3, shall apply to all residential uses in a building or other structure. However, the optional bulk# provisions of Section 23-70, inclusive, shall not apply.

The bulk regulations set forth in Article IV, Chapter 3, shall apply to all manufacturing, commercial and other community facility uses in a building or other structure

Exceptions to the applicability of such underlying bulk regulations are set forth in Section 123-60 (SPECIAL BULK REGULATIONS), inclusive.

When two or more buildings on a single zoning lot are used in any combination for uses which, if located in a single building, would make it a mixed use building, the regulations set forth in this Section shall apply as if such buildings were a single mixed use building.

The maximum floor area ratio permitted for a community facility use pursuant to Article IV, Chapter 3, shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the maximum floor area ratio permitted for a community facility use shall be the maximum floor area ratio allowed for a community facility use pursuant to the designated Residence District regulations set forth in Section 24-10 (FLOOR AREA AND LOT COVERAGE REGULATIONS), inclusive. 

On waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, the applicable provisions of 62-32 (Floor Area Regulations on Waterfront Blocks), inclusive, shall apply.

Where the designated Residence District is an R3, R4 or R5 District, the floor area regulations of Section 23-21 (Floor Area Regulations for R1 Through R5 Districts), inclusive, applicable to such Residence District shall apply except that, where located within the Greater Transit Zone, the floor area regulations for R5 Districts on qualifying residential sites shall apply. 

Where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District, the floor area regulations of Section 23-22 (Floor Area Regulations for R6 Through R12 Districts), inclusive, applicable to such Residence District shall apply.

For zoning lots containing mixed use buildings, the following provisions shall apply.

  1. Maximum floor area ratio
    1. Manufacturing or commercial uses

      The maximum floor area ratio permitted for manufacturing or commercial uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for manufacturing or commercial uses under the provisions of Section 43-12, in accordance with the designated M1 District.
    2. Community facility uses

      The maximum floor area ratio permitted for community facility uses shall be the applicable maximum floor area ratio permitted for community facility uses in Residence Districts under the provisions of Section 24-10 (FLOOR AREA AND LOT COVERAGE REGULATIONS), inclusive, in accordance with the designated Residence District
    3. Residential uses

      The maximum floor area ratio permitted for residential uses shall be the maximum floor area ratio permitted in Section 123-622 (Maximum floor area ratio for zoning lots containing only residential buildings).
    4. Maximum floor area in mixed use buildings

      The maximum total floor area in a mixed use building shall be the maximum floor area permitted for either the commercial, manufacturing, community facility or residential use, as set forth in this Section, whichever permits the greatest amount of floor area.

      However, where the Residence District designation is an R3, R4 or R5 District, the maximum total floor area in a mixed use building shall be the greater of the maximum floor area ratio for non-residential uses permitted by the designated M1 District, or the following floor area ratios:
      1. for qualifying residential sites within the Greater Transit Zone, 2.50;
      2. for qualifying residential sites outside the Greater Transit Zone:
        1. 1.50 for R3 Districts;
        2. 2.00 for R4 Districts; and
        3. 2.50 for R5 Districts.
  2. Floor area bonus for a public plaza or arcade

    Any floor area bonus for a public plaza or arcade, permitted under the applicable district regulations, shall apply to a zoning lot containing a mixed use building, provided that any given public plaza or arcade shall be counted only once in determining a bonus.

    However, on waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, floor area bonuses for a public plaza or arcade shall not apply.

In Special Mixed Use Districts, the following yard regulations shall apply:

  1. For residential buildings or residential portions of mixed use buildings:
    1. No front yards or side yards are required in Special Mixed Use Districts. However, for multiple dwelling residences, if any open area extending along a side lot line is provided at any level, it shall have a minimum width of five feet, measured perpendicular to the side lot line; and
    2. For a residential portion of a mixed use building, the required rear yard shall be provided at the floor level of the lowest story containing dwelling units where any window of such dwelling unit faces onto such rear yard.
  2. On waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, the rear yard regulations of Section 62-33 (Special Yard and Lot Coverage Regulations on Waterfront Blocks) shall apply. However, for mixed use buildings, the special yard regulations of paragraph (b) shall apply.

For zoning lots containing only residential buildings the underlying residential lot coverage requirements shall apply. For all other zoning lots, no lot coverage requirements shall apply.

In Special Mixed Use Districts where the Residence District designation is an R3, R4 or R5 District, the maximum base height and maximum building height for qualifying residential sites shall be as set forth in the following table. For all qualifying residential sites in the Greater Transit Zone, the height and setback provisions applicable to an R5 District shall apply.

For building street walls fronting a street where either a Commercial District or a Special Mixed Use District is mapped along the entire block frontage, for the portion of such street wall that exceeds the maximum base height, a setback shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-423. Such setback shall be provided at a height not lower than a minimum base height of 20 feet and not higher than the maximum base height set forth in the following table. 



Maximum Base Height (in feet)

Maximum Height of Buildings or other Structures (in feet)










Permitted obstructions shall be permitted pursuant to Sections 23-41, 24-51 or 43-42. In addition, for all buildings or other structures, a dormer may be provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of Section 23-413 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts).

However, for M1 Districts with an A suffix paired with a Residence District, the applicable height and setback regulations shall be whichever regulations permit the tallest overall heights between the applicable Manufacturing District regulations set forth in Section 43-46, or the applicable Residence District regulations set forth in this Section, depending on the particular M1 District and Residence District pairing.

Additional height and setback provisions are set forth in Section 123-66, inclusive.

The height of all buildings or other structures shall be measured from the base plane. For the purposes of this Section, where base planes of different elevations apply to different portions of a building or other structure, each such portion of the building may be considered to be a separate building.

In Special Mixed Use Districts where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District, the street wall location of a building shall be as set forth in 123-651 (Street wall location for all buildings), and the height and setback regulations of a building or other structure shall be as set forth in Section 123-652 (Special base and building heights). Additional height and setback provisions are set forth in Section 123-653 and Section 123-66, inclusive.

Permitted obstructions shall be permitted pursuant to Sections 23-41, 24-51 or 43-42. In addition, for all buildings or other structures, a dormer may be provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of Section 23-413 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts).

The height of all buildings or other structures shall be measured from the base plane. For the purposes of this Section, where base planes of different elevations apply to different portions of a building or other structure, each such portion of the building may be considered to be a separate building.

Where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District, the applicable street wall location provisions of this Section shall apply. Such provisions shall apply to the portion of a street wall located below the maximum base height and before the required setback as set forth in Section 123-652 as applicable. 

  1. Percentage-based rules

    At least 70 percent of the aggregate width of street walls shall be located within eight feet of the street line and shall extend to at least the minimum base height specified in Section 123-652 or the height of the building, whichever is less. Up to 30 percent of the aggregate width of street walls may be recessed beyond eight feet of the street line, provided that any such recesses deeper than 10 feet along a wide street or 15 feet along a narrow street are located within an outer court.

    However, where the street walls surrounding the subject building are located on a block with a prevailing street wall frontage that is located further from the street line than the applicable provisions of this paragraph, the line-up provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 23-431 may be applied.
  2. Modifications for large zoning lots

    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) of this Section, for street walls on buildings on a zoning lot that has a lot area of at least 40,000 square feet or that occupy an entire block, at least 70 percent of the aggregate width of street walls shall be located within 15 feet of the street line and extend to at least the minimum base height specified in Section 123-652, or the height of the building, whichever is less.
  3. Articulation allowances

    In all districts, and along all frontages, street wall articulation, including, but not limited to, window recesses and structural expression on the building facade, shall be permitted to project or recess beyond the street wall locations established in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Section, provided that such articulation does not exceed a depth or projection of 12 inches. In addition, to accommodate other forms of street wall articulation, such as bay windows, and facade recesses, up to 50 percent of the aggregate width of street wall, at any level, may recess or project beyond such street wall location provisions of this Section, provided that no such recess or projection exceeds a depth of three feet, as measured perpendicular to the street wall, or portion thereof. No projection shall extend beyond the street line, except where encroachments into the public right-of-way are permitted by the New York City Administrative Code.

Where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District, the following shall apply.

  1. Districts with a letter suffix

    Where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District with a letter suffix, the minimum base height, maximum base height and maximum building height shall be as set forth in the table in Section 23-432 (Height and setback requirements) for the applicable Residence District. Separate maximum base heights and maximum building heights are set forth for zoning lots containing standard residences and zoning lots containing qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing. For portions of a building street wall that exceed the maximum base height, a setback shall be provided at a height not lower than the minimum base height or higher than the maximum base height, in accordance with Section 23-433 (Standard setback regulations).

    However, for M1 Districts with an A suffix paired with a Residence District, the applicable height and setback regulations for the district shall be whichever regulations permit the tallest overall heights between the height and setback regulations applicable to the particular Manufacturing District set forth in the table in Section 43-46 (Height and Setback Provisions for Districts With an A Suffix), or the height and setback regulations  applicable to the particular Residence District set forth in Section 23-432. In either case, for zoning lots with a lot area greater than or equal to 20,000 square feet, a building may exceed the maximum building heights established in such tables by 25 percent. 
  2. Districts without a letter suffix

    Where the designated Residence District is an R6 through R12 District without a letter suffix, the minimum base height, maximum base height and maximum building height shall be as set forth in the following table. For portions of a building street wall that exceed the maximum base height, at a height not lower than the minimum base height or higher than the maximum base height, a setback shall be provided in accordance with Section 23-433.



    Minimum Base Height (in feet)

    Maximum Base Height (in feet)

    Maximum Height of Buildings or other Structures (in feet)





    R6  R6-1




    R7-1  R7-2




































    1           for UAP developments or qualifying senior housing on zoning lots, or portions thereof, within 100 feet of a wide street

    However, for M1 Districts with an A suffix paired with a Residence District, the applicable height and setback regulations for the district shall be whichever regulations permit the tallest overall heights between the height and setback regulations applicable to the particular Manufacturing District set forth in the table in Section 43-46, or the height and setback regulations applicable to the particular Residence District set forth in this Section.

    In addition, for all buildings, the maximum building heights set forth in this paragraph may be increased by 25 percent, provided that the gross area of any such story located above the maximum building height does not exceed 90 percent of the gross area of that story located directly below the maximum building height.

The additional height and setback regulations set forth in Section 23-436 shall apply, except as follows:

  1. for the purposes of applying such provisions, references to the street wall location provisions of Section 23-431 shall be superseded by those of Section 123-651 and base heights by the provisions of Section 123-652; and 
  2. for the purposes of applying the street wall modifications on corner lots, where a zoning lot is bounded by only one street line along a street frontage where a Commercial District or Special Mixed Use District is mapped along the entire block frontage, the street wall shall be applied along such frontage.

For zoning districts in certain Special Mixed Use Districts specified by this Section, the height and setback regulations of Sections 123-63 or 123-64 shall be modified as follows:

  1. In R7-2 Districts within Special Mixed Use District 15 the street wall location provisions of Section 123-651 shall be modified so that at least 70 percent of the aggregate width of street walls shall be located on the street line and shall extend to the minimum base height of 60 feet or the height of the building, whichever is less. The remaining 30 percent of the aggregate width of street walls shall be located within eight feet of the street line.
  2. In R6A Districts within Special Mixed Use District 23, where such R6A District is paired with an M1-5 District, the underlying height and setback regulations applicable to an R7A District shall apply.
  3. On waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, the height and setback regulations of Section 62-34 (Height and Setback Regulations on Waterfront Blocks) shall apply.
  1. Special provisions for zoning lots with transportation-infrastructure-adjacent frontage

    For zoning lots or portions thereof within 100 feet of a street line along a transportation-infrastructure-adjacent frontage, the following shall apply:
    1. the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 123-651 shall apply except that such street wall need not extend to the minimum base height set forth in Section 123-652. In lieu thereof, the street wall shall extend to a minimum base height of one story or 15 feet, whichever is lower; and
    2. for buildings containing multiple dwelling residences in M1 Districts paired with Residence Districts other than R6 through R12 without a letter suffix, the applicable maximum building heights may be increased by 10 feet in M1 Districts paired with R1 through R6 Districts, and by 20 feet in M1 Districts paired with R7 through R12 Districts.

The provisions of Article I, Chapter 5 (Residential Conversion Within Existing Buildings) shall apply to conversions in buildings existing on December 10, 1997.

For Special Mixed Use Districts located within the Manhattan Core, the provisions of Article I, Chapter 3 (Comprehensive Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations in the Manhattan Core), inclusive, shall apply, and for Special Mixed Use Districts located within the Long Island City area, as defined in Section 16-02 (Definitions), the provisions of Article I, Chapter 6 (Comprehensive Off-street Parking Regulations in the Long Island City Area), inclusive, shall apply. For all other Special Mixed Use Districts, the provisions of this Section, inclusive, shall apply.

For manufacturing and commercial uses, the accessory off-street parking and loading regulations of the designated M1 District, as set forth in Article IV, Chapter 4 (Accessory Off-street Parking and Loading Regulations), shall apply.

For residences and community facility uses, the accessory off-street parking and loading regulations of the designated Residence District, as set forth in Article II, Chapter 5, shall apply, except that:

  1. the provisions of Section 25-50 (RESTRICTIONS ON ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the provisions of Section 44-30 (RESTRICTIONS ON LOCATION AND USE OF ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES) shall apply to such uses; and
  2. for buildings containing residences in Special Mixed Use Districts, in addition to the applicable accessory off-street parking and loading regulations set forth in Article II, Chapter 5, the provisions of Sections 44-46 (Accessory Off-street Parking Spaces in Public Parking Garages), 44-47 (Parking Lot Maneuverability and Curb Cut Regulations) and 44-48 (Parking Lot Landscaping) shall apply.

For uses on waterfront blocks, as defined in Section 62-11, the special accessory off-street parking and loading regulations set forth in Section 62-40, inclusive, shall apply. When any use is permitted in both the designated Residence District and the designated M1 District, the accessory off-street parking and loading requirements applicable to the designated M1 District shall apply to such use.

The Special Mixed Use District is mapped in the following areas:

Special Mixed Use District - 1:  (12/10/97)

Port Morris, The Bronx

The Special Mixed Use District - 1 is established in Port Morris in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 2:  (7/29/09)

DUMBO, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 2 is established in DUMBO in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 4:  (5/9/01)

Flushing/Bedford, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 4 is established in Flushing/Bedford in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 5:  (1/30/02)

Red Hook, Brooklyn


The Special Mixed Use District - 5 is established in Red Hook in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 6:  (7/23/08)

Hudson Square, Manhattan

The Special Mixed Use District - 6 is established in Hudson Square in Manhattan as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 7:  (8/19/03)

Morrisania, The Bronx

The Special Mixed Use District - 7 is established in Morrisania in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 8:  (5/11/05)

Greenpoint-Williamsburg, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 8 is established in Greenpoint-Williamsburg in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 9:  (8/16/06)

Northern Hunters Point Waterfront, Queens


The Special Mixed Use District - 9 is established in the Northern Hunters Point Waterfront in Queens as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 10:  (10/29/07)

Atlantic and Howard Avenues, Brooklyn


The Special Mixed Use District - 10 is established on Atlantic and Howard Avenues in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 11:  (3/11/09)

Gowanus, Brooklyn


The Special Mixed Use District - 11 is established in Gowanus in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 12:  (10/27/10)

Borough Park, Brooklyn


The Special Mixed Use District - 12 is established in Borough Park in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 13:  (6/30/09)

Lower Concourse, The Bronx

The Special Mixed Use District - 13 is established in the Lower Concourse in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 14:  (10/13/10)

Third Avenue/Tremont Avenue, The Bronx


The Special Mixed Use District - 14 is established along Third Avenue in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 15:  (11/13/12)

West Harlem, Manhattan


The Special Mixed Use District - 15 is established in West Harlem in Manhattan as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 16:  (4/20/16)

Ocean Hill/East New York, Brooklyn


The Special Mixed Use District - 16 is established in Ocean Hill and East New York in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 17:  (3/22/18)

Hunts Point, The Bronx

The Special Mixed Use District - 17 is established in Hunts Point in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 18:  (10/17/19)

Mott Haven, The Bronx

The Special Mixed Use District - 18 is established in Mott Haven in The Bronx as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 19:  (12/10/20)

Brownsville, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 19 is established in Brownsville in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 20:  (5/8/19)

Crown Heights West, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 20 is established in Crown Heights West in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 21:  (3/25/21)

Arverne, Queens

The Special Mixed Use District - 21 is established in Arverne in Queens as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 22:  (5/27/21)

Bushwick, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 22 is established in Bushwick in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 23:  (10/21/21)

Ravenswood, Queens

The Special Mixed Use District - 23 is established in Ravenswood in Queens as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 24:  (11/22/22)

Astoria, Queens

The Special Mixed Use District - 24 is established in Astoria in Queens as indicated on the zoning maps.


Special Mixed Use District - 25:  (10/27/22)

Gowanus, Brooklyn

The Special Mixed Use District - 25 is established in Gowanus in Brooklyn as indicated on the zoning maps.

