Chapter 1 - Special Downtown Brooklyn District (DB)
The "Special Downtown Brooklyn District" established in this Resolution is designed to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare. These general goals include, among others, the following specific purposes:
(a) to strengthen the business core of Downtown Brooklyn by improving the working and living environments;
(b) to foster development in Downtown Brooklyn and provide direction and incentives for further growth where appropriate;
(c) to create and provide a transition between the Downtown commercial core and the lower-scale residential communities of Fort Greene, Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights;
(d) to encourage the design of new buildings that are in character with the area;
(e) to preserve the historic architectural character of development along certain streets and avenues and the pedestrian orientation of ground floor uses, and thus safeguard the vitality of Downtown Brooklyn;
(f) to improve the quality of development in Downtown Brooklyn by fostering the provision of specified public amenities in appropriate locations;
(g) to improve visual amenity by establishing special sign regulations within the Fulton Mall and Atlantic Avenue Subdistricts; and
(h) to promote the most desirable use of land and building development for Downtown Brooklyn and thus conserve the value of land and buildings and thereby protect the City's tax revenues.
For purposes of this Chapter, matter in italics is defined in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), 32-301 (Definitions), Section 101-702 (Definitions Specific to the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict) or in this Section.
Development or to develop
For purposes of this Chapter, "development" includes a development, an enlargement or an extension.
To "develop" is to create a development.
General Provisions
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District. The regulations of all other Chapters of this Resolution are applicable, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and other regulations of this Resolution, the provisions of this Chapter shall control. However, for transit-adjacent sites or qualifying transit improvement sites, as defined in Section 66-11 (Definitions), in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 (Special Regulations Applying Around Mass Transit Stations), the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 6 shall control.
Whenever a zoning lot is divided by the boundary of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, the requirements set forth in this Chapter shall apply, and shall apply only to that portion of the zoning lot within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District.
In Mandatory Inclusionary Housing areas, as specified in APPENDIX F of this Resolution, the provisions of Section 27-10 (ADMINISTRATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING) shall apply, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Chapter.
District Plan and Maps
The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the Special Downtown Brooklyn District Plan.
The District Plan includes the following six maps:
Map 1 Special Downtown Brooklyn District and Subdistricts
Map 2 Ground Floor Retail Frontage
Map 3 Street Wall Continuity and Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings
Map 4 Curb Cut Restrictions
Map 5 Height Limitation Areas
Map 6 Subway Station Improvement Areas
The maps are located within Appendix E (Special Downtown Brooklyn District Maps) of this Chapter and are hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution. They are incorporated for the purpose of specifying locations where special regulations and requirements set forth in the text of this Chapter apply.
In order to carry out the provisions of this Chapter, two subdistricts are established within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District. In each of these subdistricts, certain special regulations apply that do not apply within the remainder of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District. The subdistricts are outlined on Map 1 (Special Downtown Brooklyn District and Subdistricts) in Appendix E of this Chapter. Special regulations set forth in Sections 101-60 through 101-632, inclusive, shall apply to the Fulton Mall Subdistrict. Special regulations set forth in Sections 101-70 through 101-75 and Appendices A, B, C and D, inclusive, shall apply to the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict. The subdistricts are also subject to all other regulations of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District and the underlying districts except as otherwise specified in the subdistrict regulations.
Within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, Section 73-68 (Height and Setback and Yard Modifications) shall not be applicable.
Map 2 (Ground Floor Retail Frontage), in Appendix E of this Chapter, specifies locations where the special ground floor use regulations of this Section apply.
However, such underlying streetscape regulations shall be modified in the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, as follows: any establishment that fronts on the street line of Fulton Street for a distance greater than 15 feet shall provide an entrance on Fulton Street.
The underlying ground floor level streetscape provisions set forth in Section 32-30 (STREETSCAPE REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall apply, except that ground floor level street frontages along streets, or portions thereof, designated on Map 2 (Ground Floor Retail Frontage) in Appendix E of this Chapter shall be considered Tier C street frontages.
The provisions of paragraph (d) of Section 32-422 (Location of floors occupied by commercial uses) shall be modified such that eating or drinking establishments listed under Use Group VI shall be permitted on a story above dwelling units.
Sign Regulations
In the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, except as modified by the provisions of Section 101-131 (Permitted projection), the regulations of Section 32-60, inclusive, pertaining to signs, shall apply. Further regulations for the Fulton Mall Subdistrict and the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict are set forth in Section 101-60, inclusive, and Section 101-70, inclusive.
Permitted projection
The provisions of Section 32-652 (Permitted projection in all other Commercial Districts) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the provisions of this Section shall apply.
No permitted sign shall project across a street line more than 12 inches, except as otherwise provided in this Section.
Banners for theaters may project across a street line for a maximum distance of four feet, provided such banners are separated at least 25 feet apart, and further provided that such banners are located between 12 feet and 40 feet above curb level.
For each establishment located on the ground floor, non-illuminated double-faced signs may project perpendicularly across a street line for a maximum distance of 40 inches, provided that no more than two such signs, separated at least 25 feet apart, are permitted along each street on which such establishment fronts, and further provided that any such sign shall not exceed a surface area of 24 by 36 inches, and shall not be located above the sill level of the second story windows.
The bulk regulations of the underlying districts shall apply, except as superseded, supplemented or modified by the provisions of this Section, inclusive.
In addition, for developments or enlargements on qualifying transit improvement sites, a floor area bonus for mass transit station improvements may be granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 66-51 (Additional Floor Area for Mass Transit Station Improvements). For the purposes of this paragraph, defined terms additionally include those in Section 66-11 (Definitions).
R7-1 C6-1 C6-4.5 C6-6 C6-9
- In R7-1 Districts
In R7-1 Districts, the underlying floor area regulations applicable to R7A Districts shall apply. - In C6-1 Districts
In C6-1 Districts, the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 3.44 for zoning lots containing standard residences, or 4.13 for zoning lots containing qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing. - In C6-4.5 Districts
In C6-4.5 Districts, the maximum permitted floor area ratio for commercial or community facility uses shall be 12.0. No floor area bonuses for commercial or community facility uses shall be permitted except in accordance with the provisions of Section 66-51 (Additional Floor Area for Mass Transit Station Improvements), where applicable. - In C6-6 Districts
In C6-6 Districts, the underlying provisions shall apply, except that in Mandatory Inclusionary Housing areas mapped on or before October 21, 2021, the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 9.0. - In C6-9 Districts
In C6-9 Districts, the maximum permitted floor area ratio for commercial or community facility uses shall be 18.0.
However, in the C6-9 District bounded by Flatbush Avenue, State Street, 3rd Avenue and Schermerhorn Street, the maximum permitted floor area ratio for commercial or community facility uses shall be 12.0, and the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 9.0. On a zoning lot with a minimum lot area of 50,000 square feet improved with public schools containing at least 100,000 square feet of floor space developed pursuant to an agreement with the New York City Educational Construction Fund, the maximum permitted floor area ratio for commercial or community facility uses shall be 15.0, and the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 12.0. Up to 46,050 square feet of floor space within such public schools shall be exempt from the definition of floor area for the purposes of calculating the permitted floor area ratio for community facility uses and the total maximum floor area ratio of the zoning lot.
No floor area bonuses shall be permitted except as authorized granted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 66-51 (Additional Floor Area for Mass Transit Station Improvements).
The height of all buildings or other structures shall be measured from the base plane. The provisions of Section 101-221 (Permitted Obstructions) shall apply to all buildings within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District.
In R7-1, C5-4, C6-1, C6-4 and C6-9 Districts, except C6-1A Districts, the underlying height and setback regulations shall apply except as modified by the provisions of this Section. Buildings or other structures within the Schermerhorn Street Height Limitation Areas shall comply with the provisions of Section 101-30 (SPECIAL PROVISIONS WITHIN HEIGHT LIMITATION AREAS).
Permitted obstructions
The provisions of Section 33-42 (Permitted Obstructions) shall apply to all buildings within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, except that dormers may penetrate a maximum base height in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 23-413 (Permitted obstructions in certain districts).
C2-4/R7-1 C6-1 C6-4.5 C6-6 C6-9
In the districts indicated, except C6-1A Districts, a building or other structure shall not exceed the applicable maximum building height set forth in the table in this Section. Furthermore, any portion of a building or other structure that exceeds the applicable maximum base height shall provide a setback pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-433 (Standard setback regulations).
Maximum base height |
Maximum building height |
District |
Beyond 100 feet of a wide street |
Within 100 feet of a wide street |
Beyond 100 feet of a wide street |
Within 100 feet of a wide street |
C2-4/R7-1 |
85 |
85 |
165 |
165 |
C6-1 |
125 |
155 |
185 |
215 |
C6-4.5 C6-6 C6-9 |
125 |
155 |
255 |
255 |
C5-4 C6-4
In the districts indicated, the underlying height and setback provisions applicable to an R10A District shall apply. However, the minimum base height requirements need not apply.
Tower regulations
C5-4 C6-1 C6-4 C6-6 C6-9
In the districts indicated, except C6-1A Districts, above the maximum base heights specified pursuant to Section 101-222 (Standard height and setback regulations), tower provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-435 (Tower regulations) shall be permitted as an alternative to the maximum building heights specified in Section 101-222. For buildings or other structures utilizing such provisions, no height limit shall apply, except that, in C6-1 Districts, the maximum height shall be 495 feet.
The provisions of this Section shall apply within the Schermerhorn Street Height Limitation Areas, as shown on Map 5 in Appendix E of this Chapter:
- Public plaza prohibition
No public plazas shall be permitted within Area B of Map 5. - Height and setback regulations
The tower provisions of Section 101-223 shall not apply. The standard height and setback regulations of Section 101-222 are modified to limit maximum building height to 210 feet within Area A of Map 5, and are modified to limit maximum building height to 140 feet within Area B.
Map 3 (Street Wall Continuity and Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings) in Appendix E of this Chapter specifies locations where the special street wall location regulations of this Section apply. However, such regulations shall not apply along the street frontage of that portion of any zoning lot occupied by existing buildings to remain.
- Fulton Mall Subdistrict
Within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply, except that on corner lots, no street wall shall be required within 100 feet of the intersection of two street lines where the interior angle formed by such intersecting street lines is 45 degrees or less. Such required street walls shall extend to a minimum height of 60 feet above curb level or the height of the building, whichever is less, and a maximum base height of 85 feet. Above such maximum base height, the provisions of Sections 101-222 (Standard height and setback regulations) or 101-223 (Tower regulations) shall apply. - Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict
Within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply. Such required street walls shall extend to the minimum base height for the district, or the height of the building, whichever is less, and may rise to the maximum base height before a setback is applied. The maximum base heights set forth in Section 23-432 (Height and setback requirements) shall be modified as follows:- for a C2-4 District mapped within an R6A District, the maximum base height shall be 55 feet above curb level; and
- for a C2-4 District mapped within an R7A District, the maximum base height shall be 65 feet above curb level.
- Willoughby Square
For buildings fronting upon Willoughby Square. the street wall location provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 35-631 shall apply, except that recesses may be extended below a height of 15 feet. Such street wall shall extend to a minimum base height of 80 feet or the height of the building, whichever is less. The provisions of Section 101-223 shall apply. - All other areas
On all other streets shown on Map 3, the street wall location provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 35-631 shall apply, and extend to a minimum base height of 40 feet in R7-1 Districts mapped within C2-4 Districts and at least a height of 60 feet in all other districts, or the height of the building, whichever is less, except that on corner lots, no street wall shall be required within 100 feet of the intersection of two street lines where the interior angle formed by such intersecting street lines is 45 degrees or less. However, such regulations shall not apply to any building fronting upon the north side of Willoughby Street between Gold Street and the Flatbush Avenue Extension.
Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings
Map 3 (Street Wall Continuity and Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings) in Appendix E of this Chapter specifies locations where the sidewalk widening regulations of this Section apply. Such regulations shall apply to all developments and to those horizontal enlargements where the enlarged portion of the building contains a floor area ratio of 3.0 or more.
All buildings that front upon the southerly street line of Willoughby Street between Adams Street and the Flatbush Avenue Extension shall provide a five foot deep sidewalk widening along the full frontage of the zoning lot along Willoughby Street. Such sidewalk widening shall be improved as a sidewalk to Department of Transportation standards, be at the same level as the adjoining public sidewalk and be accessible to the public at all times. For the purposes of applying the height and setback regulations of Section 101-22, inclusive, and the street wall location requirements of Section 101-41, the sidewalk widening line shall be considered to be the street line.
Where a development is constructed on a zoning lot that contains at least 5,000 square feet of lot area and fronts on a sidewalk containing a stairway entrance or entrances into a subway station, the existing entrance or entrances shall be relocated from the street onto the zoning lot. For the purposes of this Section, a development shall not include an extension. The new entrance or entrances shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 37-40 (OFF-STREET RELOCATION OR RENOVATION OF A SUBWAY STAIR). The subway stations where such improvements are required are listed in the following table and shown on Map 6 (Subway Station Improvement Areas) in Appendix E of this Chapter.
Station |
Line |
Court Street-Borough Hall |
Eastern Parkway/Montague Street Tunnel |
DeKalb Avenue |
4th Avenue/Brighton |
Hoyt Street |
Eastern Parkway |
Hoyt-Schermerhorn Street |
Crosstown/Fulton Street |
Jay Street-MetroTech |
Culver/Fulton Street |
Lawrence Street |
Montague Street Tunnel |
Nevins Street |
Eastern Parkway |
Atlantic Avenue-Pacific Street |
4th Avenue |
The underlying off-street parking and loading provisions shall apply except as modified in this Section, inclusive.
Curb Cut Restrictions
Along the streets specified on Map 4 (Curb Cut Restrictions) in Appendix E of this Chapter, no curb cuts for parking facilities or loading berths shall be permitted.
However, the City Planning Commission may, by authorization, permit a curb cut, on a street specified on Map 4, for parking facilities and loading berths on a zoning lot that does not have access or egress on another street, provided that such curb cut will not unduly inhibit surface traffic or result in conflict between pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and will result in a good overall site plan.
Reservoir Spaces
The provisions of this Section shall apply to parking facilities created after December 10, 2012, or for parking facilities enlarged by 50 or more spaces after December 10, 2012. For the purpose of determining required reservoir spaces, fractions equal to or greater than one-half resulting from the calculations in this Section shall be considered one reservoir space.
- Attended parking facilities
Attended accessory parking facilities, public parking garages or public parking lots with more than 25 parking spaces shall provide the following amount of off-street reservoir space at the vehicular entrance:- for parking facilities with more than 25 parking spaces and up to 50 parking spaces: five percent of the total number of parking spaces;
- for parking facilities with more than 50 parking spaces and up to 100 parking spaces: 10 percent of the total number of parking spaces;
- for parking facilities with more than 100 parking spaces and up to 200 parking spaces: 10 parking spaces; and
- for parking facilities with more than 200 parking spaces: five percent of the total number of parking spaces. However, such number of reservoir spaces need not exceed 50.
- Automated parking facilities
For automated parking facilities, off-street reservoir space at the vehicle entrance shall be provided as set forth in paragraph (a) of this Section.
Each individual parking location where a driver is permitted to leave a vehicle for transfer to a mechanized automobile storage and retrieval unit shall constitute one reservoir space. However, the parking area designated for mechanical conveyance of the vehicle into storage, whether in an elevator or otherwise, shall not be considered a reservoir space. Additional reservoir spaces may be located where drivers queue to access such locations for vehicle transfer.
In addition, the number of reservoir spaces required pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section may be reduced where the Commissioner of Buildings determines that the operational characteristics of such automated parking facility warrant such a reduction. - Self-parking facilities
For self-parking accessory parking facilities, public parking garages and public parking lots, where entering vehicles are required to stop at a mechanically operated barrier before entering the parking facility, such barrier shall be placed a minimum of 20 feet beyond the street line.
Public parking garages
Public parking garages with 225 or fewer spaces shall be permitted as-of-right, provided that such garages are, except for entrances and exits, entirely below the level of any street or publicly accessible open area upon which such facility, or portion thereof, fronts. In addition to a maximum number of 225 public parking spaces, such garages may include required accessory parking spaces, which may be provided at any level. Any accessory parking spaces that are not required shall be included with all other public parking spaces in such public parking garage for the purpose of applying any regulations in this Resolution relating to the number or location of parking spaces in such public parking garage.
Section 36-56 (Accessory Off-street Parking Spaces in Public Garages) shall be modified to allow accessory off-street parking spaces in any public parking garage developed after December 10, 2012, provided such off-site spaces comply with the provisions of Section 101-55 (Location of Off-site Parking Spaces).
Pedestrian safety
The provisions of this Section shall apply to parking facilities created after December 10, 2012, or for parking facilities enlarged by 50 or more spaces after December 10, 2012. For all accessory parking garages and public parking garages, the following safety features shall be provided at all vehicular exit points:
- a ‘stop’ sign which shall be clearly visible to drivers. Such signage shall comply with the standards set forth in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for a conventional single lane road; and
- a speed bump, which shall be located within the exit lane of the parking facility. Such speed bump shall:
- span the entire width of such exit lane;
- have a minimum of two inches in height, as measured from the adjoining grade of the exit lane, and a maximum depth of 12 inches; and
- be located a minimum of four feet and a maximum of eight feet beyond the street line, as measured perpendicular to the street line.
Section 74-194 (Public parking garages or public parking lots in high density central areas) shall not apply to public parking garages. In lieu thereof, the City Planning Commission may permit:
(a) a public parking garage that does not comply with the provisions of Section 101-531 (Public parking garages), provided that such garage complies with all other applicable regulations set forth in Section 101-50 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS); and
(b) floor space on one or more stories, up to a height of 23 feet above curb level, to be exempted from the definition of floor area as set forth in Section 12-10.
In order to grant a special permit for such use or floor area exemption, the Commission shall find that:
(1) such use will be compatible with the surrounding area, and will not adversely affect the growth and development of uses comprising vital and essential functions in the general area within which such use is to be located;
(2) the proposed materials and articulation of the street wall of the parking facility are compatible with buildings in the surrounding area;
(3) the ground floor level of such parking facilities that front upon streets with a width of 60 feet or more, or that front upon public access areas, is occupied by commercial, community facility or residential uses that generate activity on all such adjoining streets or public areas, except at the entrances and exits to the parking facility. Where site planning constraints make such uses infeasible, the parking facility shall be screened from such adjoining streets or public access areas with a strip at least five feet deep, densely planted with shrubs or trees that are at least four feet high at the time of planting and that are of a type which may be expected to form a year-round dense screen, at least six feet high, within three years. Where such screening is not desirable, a total of at least 50 percent of the exterior building wall with adjacent parking spaces shall consist of opaque materials that include graphic or sculptural art, or living plant material;
(4) any floor space above the ground floor level utilized for parking is located, to the greatest extent feasible, behind commercial, community facility or residential floor area, so as to minimize the visibility of the parking facility from adjoining streets with a width of 60 feet or more, or public access areas. Any exterior wall of the parking facility visible from an adjoining street or public access area shall be articulated in a manner that is compatible with buildings in the surrounding area;
(5) such use will not create or contribute to serious traffic congestion and will not unduly inhibit surface traffic and pedestrian flow and that the streets providing access to such use will be adequate to handle the traffic generated thereby;
(6) such use and its vehicular entrances and exits are so located as to draw a minimum of vehicular traffic to and through residential streets in nearby areas; and
(7) if any floor space is exempted from the definition of floor area, such additional floor space is necessary to prevent excessive on-street parking demand and relieve traffic congestion.
The City Planning Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area including limitations on signs, or requirements for shielding of floodlights, or locations of entrances and exits.
The provisions of Section 36-46 (Restrictions on Use of Accessory Off-street Parking Spaces) shall apply, provided that all Commercial Districts within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District shall be considered a C6 District for the purposes of such Section, inclusive. However, the provisions of this Section shall not apply within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict.
Sections 25-50 (RESTRICTIONS ON LOCATION AND USE OF ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES) and 36-40 (RESTRICTIONS ON LOCATION AND USE OF ACCESSORY OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES) shall apply, except that where the use generating the parking requirement and the zoning lot providing the parking spaces are both within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, Sections 25-521 and 36-421 (Maximum distance from zoning lot) shall be modified to permit accessory parking spaces to be located up to 2,500 feet from the zoning lot occupied by the residences to which they are accessory.
The general goals of the Fulton Mall Subdistrict include, among others, the following purposes:
(a) to foster and promote the orderly expansion of retail development so that Downtown Brooklyn will enhance its position as a major regional shopping center, provide an increasing number of employment opportunities and encourage the development of a desirable shopping and working environment;
(b) to complement public improvements in the area implemented either directly or indirectly by the City of New York by encouraging private investment in signs, facades and new development that will enhance the visual appearance and character of structures in the vicinity of Fulton Mall;
(c) to create an attractive shopping environment in the vicinity of the Fulton Mall, the construction of which will implement a plan for improved pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and
(d) to encourage a desirable urban design relationship between each building and the Fulton Mall.
Within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, any change of use to another use listed in the same or another Use Group shall be subject to the special use regulations of Section 101-10 and the special sign regulations of Section 101-61, inclusive.
On application, the City Planning Commission may authorize minor modifications of the regulations of Sections 101-61, inclusive, and 101-62, inclusive, governing signs and facades within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, upon the Commission's finding that the proposed modifications are in conformity with the principles of good design and are not inconsistent with the purposes of this Chapter.
Area of permitted signs
Except for projecting signs that comply with the provisions of Section 101-131 (Permitted projection), all permitted signs in the Fulton Mall Subdistrict shall be subject to the applicable provisions of Section 32-64 (Surface Area and Illumination Provisions), Section 101-612 (Sign band) and this Section.
Sign band
(a) Sign located within the sign band
A commercial establishment located on the ground floor of a building may have one sign located on each street frontage within a sign band as defined in this Section.
The sign band shall have a lower limit of 10 feet above curb level and an upper limit coincident with the bottom of the lowest window sill on the second floor of a building, but in no event more than 15 feet above curb level. A sign located within the sign band may be applied directly to the surface of a building or to a sign board affixed to the surface of a building. If a sign board is employed, such sign board shall be entirely within the sign band, shall be mounted horizontally, shall have a uniform color over its entire surface excluding perimeter frame or trim and shall extend the full length of the street wall of the establishment to which it is accessory, except that such sign board may be interrupted by vertical architectural elements such as columns, pilasters or other integral architectural elements. Any background material shall be considered as a sign board, unless it extends the full length of the street wall of a building (or that portion of a building occupied by the establishment) and the full height of the building up to the topmost cornice. On corner lots, a sign or sign boards shall be the same vertical dimension and shall be mounted at the same height above the curb level on both street frontages.
If more than one commercial establishment is located on the ground floor of a building, the signs located within the sign band accessory to each such establishment shall consist of letters and symbols of approximately the same size for each establishment, either applied directly to the surface of the building or to a common sign board affixed to the surface of a building.
As of March 16, 1978, the owner or lessee of a building with more than one ground floor establishment shall be responsible (unless the sign is applied directly to the surface of the building) for specifying the requirements of a common sign board, which shall include, but are not limited to, vertical dimension, mounting height, background color, material, whether illuminated and method of illumination (if applicable) which shall be the same for each establishment and shall be adhered to by each establishment employing a sign board.
A sign accessory to uses on the upper floors of a building may be located within the sign band when it directs attention to a ground floor entrance of an establishment located on the upper floors of a building.
(b) Signs located below the sign band
Signs accessory to commercial establishments located on the ground floor of a building may be located between curb level and 10 feet above curb level. Signs in show windows, on doors, or on transoms above doors, shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the total area of such show windows, doors or transoms above doors in which they are displayed, and are limited to writing (including letter, word or numeral) not more than eight inches high. Such sign shall be applied directly to show windows, doors or transoms above doors, without background, or to a transparent panel hung behind the plane of the show window surface, door or transom above a door. Non-flashing illuminated signs (such as neon, etc.) shall be permitted providing that such signs are essentially transparent, i.e., without background or enclosure.
Incidental signs, identifying store name, address and hours of operation shall not exceed 10 square feet (including background) for an individual sign and shall not exceed, in aggregate (square feet), one-fifth the street frontage of the establishment but in no event more than 50 square feet for interior or through lots or 50 square feet on each frontage for corner lots.
An establishment located above the ground floor of a building that has an entrance on the ground floor may have one sign directing attention to the entrance.
(c) Signs located above the sign band
Signs accessory to commercial establishments which occupy space above the ground floor of a building may be located between 20 feet and 40 feet above curb level. Such establishments may have signs in windows provided that such sign does not occupy more than 30 percent of the window to which it is applied, that the remainder of the window is transparent, and that all such signs for an establishment have similar size and style of writing, pictorial representation, emblem or any other figure of similar character. Commercial establishments which occupy space above the ground floor may have one sign located above the sign band which is applied directly to the surface of a building or to a sign board affixed to the surface of a building. If a sign board is employed, such sign board shall be mounted horizontally, shall have a uniform color over its entire surface, excluding perimeter frame and trim, and shall not be located between windows. The total surface area of all signs located above the sign band shall not exceed three times the street frontage of the zoning lot (in feet) but in no event more than 200 square feet on each frontage.
No sign or sign board shall extend above the parapet wall or shall obscure any cornice or window.
Special sign content regulations
Except as further defined by the regulations of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, permitted signs are limited to the following message:
store name;
symbol or logo;
date of establishment; and
description of product or service offered.
Sign illuminations
Signs may be illuminated by either:
(a) internal illumination; or
(b) an external source that shall be so arranged that it projects no more than 12 inches from the sign it illuminates, and so that no direct rays of light are projected into adjoining buildings or the street. No flashing signs are permitted nor are flashing or rotating light sources except illuminated signs that indicate the time, temperature, weather or other similar information, pursuant to the definition of flashing sign in Section 12-10.
Temporary signs
Temporary signs relating to sales or events of limited duration not to exceed 45 days may be displayed in a show window of a building. Such signs must be removed after the last day of the sale or event to which they pertain. Temporary signs shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the surface area of the window in which they are displayed.
"For sale" or "for rent" signs
"For sale" or "for rent" signs, with an area not exceeding 12 square feet, are permitted.
In the Fulton Mall Subdistrict, Section 52-80 (REGULATIONS APPLYING TO NON-CONFORMING SIGNS) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, certain non-conforming signs may be continued until June 30, 1980, providing that after that date such non-conforming signs shall terminate and shall be removed in their entirety, including any supporting structure, frame or device. Such signs shall include:
signs located more than 40 feet above curb level;
roof signs;
signs extending above a parapet;
signs obscuring cornices and windows;
double or multi-faced signs; and
signs that project across a street line more than 12 inches.
Any sign, as of January 1, 1978, that forms an integral part of the surface of a building or other structure (such as a sign carved in stone, cast in metal or molded in terra cotta on a building whose facade is of such material) shall not be subject to the provisions of this Section.
Special Bulk Regulations
Any alteration to, or reconstruction of, the facade of an existing building shall be subject to the regulations of this Section, inclusive, but only to the extent of such work.
Any alteration, incidental alteration or minor work done to the street wall of any building or portion of any building shall be accomplished in such matter that:
(a) such street wall is treated with consistent materials, color and texture from the top of any ground floor windows or sign board to the top or the parapet, or to the bottom of a cornice if a cornice exists (access doors or panels, grilles or similar features shall be as inconspicuous as possible); and
(b) where such street wall treatment covers any window opening, it shall completely cover all window openings in the street wall; or
(c) where window openings remain uncovered, all windows shall be treated in a similar manner or, if sealed, all windows shall be covered by a panel set at least two inches behind the plane of the wall. Except where the material used to seal window openings is the same as the wall of the building, the window panel shall have a single color over its entire surface. All such window panels shall have the same color.
The parking regulations of Section 101-50 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS) shall apply, except as set forth in this Section, inclusive.
In no case shall vehicular access and egress for accessory off-street parking, public parking facilities, permitted or required accessory off-street loading berths or the service entrance to a building, be located within 50 feet of Fulton Street or DeKalb Avenue within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict. No curb cuts are permitted within the Fulton Mall Subdistrict within 50 feet of Fulton Street or DeKalb Avenue.
The Commissioner of Buildings may waive any requirement in this Chapter that accessory off-street parking or loading berths be provided where the Commissioner finds that the required parking or loading cannot be provided consistent with Section 101-631 (Restricted access and prohibition on curb cuts).
General purposes
The general goals of the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict include, among others, the following purposes:
(a) to protect the existing scale and form of development on Atlantic Avenue, characterized by three- and four-story attached buildings with shops, built in the 19th century;
(b) to preserve and enhance street life by maintaining a mix of residential and commercial uses, encouraging a variety of retail and service uses while limiting automotive service uses; and
(c) to protect desirable architectural features of certain buildings by establishing design guidelines for renovation or alteration.
For purposes of Sections 101-70 through 101-75, inclusive, concerning the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict, matter in italics is defined in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), Section 101-01 or in this Section.
Specified building type
Any building within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict erected prior to 1900, that has:
(a) a front wall for the full width of the zoning lot for a height of from two to five stories;
(b) a front wall of brick or stone, erected coincident with, or within five feet of, the street line, with windows at each story and a cornice at the parapet level; and
(c) a storefront at the basement or ground floor.
A list of the buildings within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict that conform to the definition of specified building type appears in Appendix A of this Chapter.
Specified storefront type
Any storefront which is part of a building of the specified building type that has:
(a) show windows projecting beyond the front wall of the building, occupying a total area of at least 35 square feet and a sill height of not more than three feet and a total height of not less than eight feet, measured from curb level; and
(b) a projecting cornice above the storefront for its full width.
A list of buildings within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict having storefronts that conform to the definition of specified storefront type appears in Appendix B of this Chapter.
Sign Regulations
In order to enhance the visual quality of the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict, the following additional regulations shall apply to all signs within the Subdistrict.
Total surface area of signs
The total surface area and number of all permitted signs, including non-illuminated and illuminated signs, shall not exceed the limitations set forth for non-illuminated signs in Section 101-712 (Area of non-illuminated signs).
Area of non-illuminated signs
The total surface area (in square feet) of non-illuminated signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed three times the street frontage of the zoning lot (in feet), and in no event shall exceed 150 square feet for interior or through lots or 150 square feet on each frontage for corner lots. Each commercial establishment shall be permitted not more than one sign. The vertical dimension of any sign shall not exceed three feet. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to projecting signs that comply with the provisions of Section 101-131 (Permitted projection).
Area of illuminated signs
The total surface area (in square feet) of illuminated signs on a zoning lot shall not exceed two times the street frontage of the zoning lot (in feet), and in no event shall exceed 50 square feet for interior or through lots or 50 square feet on each frontage for corner lots. The vertical dimension on any illuminated sign shall not exceed 2 feet, 6 inches, nor shall illuminated signs project more than 10 inches from the surface to which they are affixed.
Permanent window graphics
Permanent window graphics may not occupy more than 20 percent of the total area of the window in which they are displayed. If such a permanent window graphic has letters more than three inches high, it shall count as a sign.
Location of signs
If more than one commercial establishment is located on the same floor of a building, the signs accessory to all such establishments, except for projecting signs that comply with the provisions of Section 101-131 (Permitted projection), shall be of equal height and mounted or painted on a common sign board. All signs or common sign boards shall be located as follows:
(a) if accessory to uses on the ground floor of a building, the sign or common sign board shall be located within a band extending the full length of the street wall, which band shall have a lower limit of eight feet above the ground floor and an upper limit coincident with the bottom of the lowest window sill on the second floor, but in no event more than 16 feet above curb level;
(b) if accessory to uses on the upper floor of a building, the sign or common sign board shall be located between the highest window lintel of the floor on which the use is located and the lowest window sill of the floor above, but in no case more than 25 feet above curb level;
(c) no sign may be located so as to obscure any cornice, except that a non-illuminated sign may be attached to a cornice if such sign consists of individual letters, emblems or figures mounted on open metal mesh attached to the cornice and finished to match the cornice, provided that the cornice remains visible; and
(d) no sign or common sign board shall extend above the parapet wall or roof of the building on which it is displayed.
Sign materials and colors
Signs may be fabricated of any opaque material that does not have a glossy or reflective surface, except that glossy translucent material may be used:
(a) in areas where the intent is to imitate or replace glass, as in transoms; or
(b) for individual letters in internally lit illuminated signs.
Background colors for signs or common sign boards shall be limited to black, navy blue, dark green, maroon or bronze.
Height and setback
Special street wall location regulations are set forth in Section 101-41.
Special Provisions
Any alteration, incidental alteration or minor work (including any change in, addition to, or removal from, the parts or materials of a building, including finishes) done to the front wall of any building of the specified building type shall comply with the following standards:
(a) Alteration or reconstruction of storefronts shall comply with the provisions of Section 101-734.
(b) Front walls which are replaced shall be erected to the same height and at the same location as the original walls. Replacement or repair of front walls shall be done with the same material as the original walls, except that stone may be replaced by another material finished in such a manner as to match the appearance of the original walls. Finishes and colors of front walls shall be of an approved type, as indicated in Appendix C of this Chapter.
(c) Front walls which are replaced shall have windows at each floor, the area of which shall comply with the provisions of Section 101-733 (Special provisions for development and enlargement). Such windows shall have stone or precast lintels and sills having a minimum height of six inches and extending at least four inches beyond the window opening on either side. Existing window openings above the ground floor may not be reduced in size but may be completely sealed if the window area provisions of Section 101-733 are met. Such openings shall be completely sealed with masonry recessed at least two inches behind the wall and finished to match the wall. New windows shall be double-hung, fixed or casement sash finished in an approved manner, as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.
(d) No existing cornice shall be removed unless required by the Department of Buildings. A cornice that must be removed shall be replaced by a new cornice having the same height, length and projection beyond the surface of the wall and finished in an approved color, as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.
Any alteration, incidental alteration or minor work done to the front wall of any building not of the specified building type, shall comply with the following standards:
(a) alteration or replacement of storefronts shall comply with the provisions of Section 101-734; and
(b) alteration or replacement of front walls shall comply with the provisions of Sections 101-721 (Height and setback) and 101-733 (Special provisions for development and enlargement).
The front wall of any development or enlargement, or the front wall of any building where the height or width of a street wall is proposed to be increased, shall be built to comply with the following standards:
(a) The front wall shall extend along the full length of the Atlantic Avenue street line. It may be interrupted at the ground level by entrances or exits for off-street parking or loading spaces permitted pursuant to Section 101-744 (Special permit for public parking garages or public parking lots).
Front wall recesses are permitted for architectural purposes provided that the aggregate length at the level of any story does not exceed 25 percent of the length of the front wall where such recesses are permitted. The depth of such recesses shall not exceed three feet. No recesses are permitted within 20 feet of the intersections of two street lines forming an angle of 100 degrees or less.
(b) Windows shall occupy at least 35 percent of the wall area at the level of any story above the ground floor. (For the purposes of calculation, the wall height at any story shall be measured between the floor and ceiling of that story.)
(c) Window and door framing trim shall be finished in an approved color as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.
No storefront of the specified storefront type shall be demolished unless its demolition is required by the Department of Buildings. Reconstruction or repair of storefronts of the specified storefront type shall be done in such a manner as to retain or restore the original design and materials, except that plate glass may be replaced by transparent plastic. Such storefronts shall be finished in an approved manner, as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.
New storefronts installed in any existing or new building shall comply with the ground floor level streetscape provisions of Section 101-11 (Special Ground Floor Use Regulations) and the following standards:
(a) A storefront installed in a building of the specified building type shall occupy at least the same area of the front wall as the original storefront. A storefront installed in any other building shall occupy the entire frontage of the front wall devoted to commercial uses.
(b) Storefront entrance doors shall be set back a minimum of two feet behind the vertical surface of the show windows.
(c) In the case of existing buildings, no existing cornice above a storefront shall be demolished unless required by the Department of Buildings. A cornice which is removed shall be replaced by a cornice having the same length, height and projection beyond the surface of the front wall. In any building of the specified building type where the original cornice above the storefront has been previously removed, any new storefront shall incorporate a cornice or fascia extending the full length of the store front and having a minimum height of two feet.
(d) All framing elements, trim elements, doors, etc., of the storefront shall be finished in an approved manner, as indicated in Appendix D.
(e) Any awning or canopy attached to a building with a storefront which incorporates a cornice shall be attached in such manner as not to obscure or cover the cornice.
The provisions of Section 101-50 (OFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall not apply within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict.
Accessory off-street parking
No accessory off-street parking facilities are required for any residential or commercial development, or portion thereof, within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict. In no case shall the number of permitted accessory off-street parking spaces for residential use exceed 40 percent of the number of dwelling units.
In no case shall curb cuts for vehicular access be located on Atlantic Avenue or on a street within 50 feet of its intersection with the street line of Atlantic Avenue. No off-site accessory off-street parking facilities for any use shall be permitted within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict.
The parking requirements set forth in Sections 25-31 or 36-21 shall not apply to any development for which the Commissioner of Buildings has certified that there is no way to provide the required parking spaces with access to a street in conformity with the provisions of this Section.
Any permitted accessory off-street parking area, regardless of size or location, shall be screened from all adjoining zoning lots and streets by screening that complies with the provisions of Section 36-56 (Screening) and which, in the case of a wall or barrier or uniformly painted fence, is finished in an approved color as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.
Accessory off-street loading
Curb cuts for vehicular access to accessory off-street loading berths shall not be located on Atlantic Avenue or on a street within 50 feet of its intersection with the street line of Atlantic Avenue. However, the City Planning Commission may, by authorization, permit a curb cut on Atlantic Avenue, provided that:
(a) such curb cut is a relocation of an existing curb cut on the zoning lot; and
(b) such curb cut will not unduly inhibit surface traffic and pedestrian flow along Atlantic Avenue.
The loading berth requirements of Section 25-72 or 36-62 shall not apply to any development for which the Commissioner of Buildings has certified that there is no way to provide the required loading berths with access to a street in conformity with the provisions of this Section.
All accessory off-street loading berths shall be enclosed within a building.
The City Planning Commission may grant a special permit for public parking garages or public parking lots with a capacity of not more than 100 spaces, provided that the regulations set forth in Sections 36-53 (Width of Curb Cuts and Location of Access to the Street), 36-54 (Surfacing) and 36-55 (Screening), are met and that no roof parking is permitted. The Commission may permit floor space on one or more stories, and up to a height of 23 feet above curb level, to be exempted from the definition of floor area set forth in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS). As a condition of permitting such use, the Commission shall make the following findings:
(a) such use is so located as to draw a minimum of vehicular traffic to and through local streets in nearby residential areas;
(b) such use has adequate reservoir space at the vehicular entrance to accommodate a minimum of 10 automobiles or 20 percent of the spaces so provided, whichever amount is less; and
(c) where any floor space is exempted from the definition of floor area, such additional floor space is needed in order to prevent excessive on-street parking demand and relieve traffic congestion.
Except in the case of buildings that are unsafe and the demolition of which is required pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 26, Title C, Part I, Article 8, or its successor, of the New York City Administrative Code, no demolition permit shall be issued by the Department of Buildings for any development within the Subdistrict until:
(a) the owner of the property has obtained a building application approval for the new development or enlargement; and
(b) the owner shall have presented evidence of having a commitment from a domestic bank, insurance company or real estate investment company, for construction financing, which shall be in the form of a letter trust.
In order to support a concentration of cultural uses and public open spaces in the C6-2 District bounded by Flatbush Avenue, Hanson Place, St. Felix Street and Lafayette Avenue, for buildings intended to be occupied in whole or in part by cultural uses, the City Planning Commission may permit the maximum community facility floor area ratio to be increased from 6.5 to 7.0, may permit modifications of the special street wall location regulations of Section 101-41, and the height and setback regulations of Section 23-721 as applied to the residential portion of a building, and modifications of applicable sign regulations in accordance with this Section.
For the purposes of this Section, “cultural use” shall be defined as the following uses:
From Use Group III
From Use Group VIII
Art galleries
Art, music, dancing or theatrical studios
Historical exhibits
Floor space occupied by such cultural use shall qualify as community facility floor area.
In order to grant such special permit, the conditions of paragraph (a) and the findings of paragraph (b) of this Section shall be met. In addition, special regulations pertaining to the certificate of occupancy of such building shall apply as set forth in paragraph (c).
- Conditions
- A letter from the Office of the Mayor shall be submitted certifying that:
- a preliminary agreement has been executed providing for a cultural facility consisting of at least 40,000 square feet of interior gross square feet in the building to be transferred for cultural uses and for the construction of the core and shell of such cultural facility by the applicant; and
- floor plans have been provided to the Office of the Mayor which demonstrate that the cultural facility is well-suited for cultural uses; and
- A legal commitment in the form of a declaration of restrictions shall be executed and delivered to the City for recording upon the approval of the permit, restricting use of the floor area to be occupied by cultural uses to cultural use for the life of the related development, provided that in the event the majority of the zoning lot containing such floor area is in the ownership of a not-for-profit corporation under contract with the City to provide economic development services at the time of the grant of such permit, execution and recordation of such declaration of restrictions shall be made at the time of the transfer of ownership of the majority of such zoning lot for purposes of facilitating the related development.
- A letter from the Office of the Mayor shall be submitted certifying that:
- In order to grant such permit, the Commission shall find that:
- the building, including such cultural uses, is designed and arranged on the zoning lot in a manner that results in ample visibility of and access to the cultural uses from surrounding streets;
- any street wall modifications will facilitate access to open space on the lot and result in a development that activates the pedestrian environment;
- any bulk modifications will result in a better distribution of bulk on the zoning lot by providing for increased light and air to open space on the zoning lot;
- the appearance of bulk is minimized through an enhanced articulation of the base and tower elements of the building, an enhanced relationship between the building and the open space on the zoning lot, and an enhanced amount and arrangement of the fenestration of the building; and
- any modifications to sign regulations will result in greater visibility for the cultural uses provided on the zoning lot.
The Commission may prescribe appropriate additional conditions and safeguards in order to enhance the character of the development and to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area.
- Certificate of occupancy
The Commissioner of Buildings shall not issue a temporary or permanent certificate of occupancy for more than an amount of floor area in the building equal to the floor area to be occupied by non-cultural uses minus 40,000 square feet of floor area unless the Department of Buildings has received a letter from the Office of the Mayor certifying that a deed transferring ownership of a majority of the zoning lot has been recorded and that such deed or other recorded document provides for:- the construction by transferee of the core and shell of the cultural facility described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this Section;
- the creation of a condominium unit for such cultural facility and the transfer of ownership thereof to the City; and
- a right of the transferor to re-enter and re-acquire the zoning lot should the applicant fail to complete the construction of the core and shell of the cultural facility.
Should the certification by the Office of the Mayor not be issued within 30 days of the recording of the deed or other document with the stated provisions, a copy of such deed or document may be provided to the Department of Buildings in satisfaction of such certification.
In C6-9 Districts within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, mapped after March 13, 2019, and in C6-4 and C6-6 Districts within the Special Downtown Brooklyn District, mapped after October 21, 2021, for developments or enlargements on irregular sites, the City Planning Commission may modify underlying bulk regulations, other than floor area ratio, provided that no uses listed under Use Group V shall be permitted in any portion of the building receiving such modifications, and:
(a) there are physical conditions, including irregularity, narrowness or shallowness of lot shape or size that create practical difficulties in complying with the bulk regulations and would adversely affect the building configuration or site plan;
(b) the practical difficulties of developing on the zoning lot have not been created by the owner or by a predecessor in title;
(c) the proposed modifications are limited to the minimum needed to relieve such difficulties;
(d) the proposed modifications will not unduly obstruct access of light and air to adjoining properties or streets; and
(e) the proposed scale and placement of the development or enlargement relates harmoniously with the surrounding area.
The Commission may prescribe additional conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects on the character of the surrounding area and to improve the quality of the site configuration.
Appendix A
Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict: Buildings Conforming to the Specified Building Type
The following is a list of addresses of buildings within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District that conform to the definition of specified building type contained in Section 101-702.
Block 176
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 305, 311, 313, 315, 317, 321, 323, 325, 327, 329
Block 177
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 347, 349, 351, 355, 365-7, 369, 371, 373, 375, 377, 377A, 385, 387, 389, 395
Hoyt Street (ES): 75, 77
Block 178
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 405, 407, 409
Block 179
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 455, 457, 477, 479, 481, 483, 485, 487, 491, 495, 497, 499, 501
Third Avenue (ES): 31-31A
Block 180
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 565, 567, 569, 571, 573
Times Plaza: 2, 6, 8, 10, 12
Flatbush Avenue: 112, 114, 116, 118, 122
Block 181
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 214, 220, 228, 232, 234
Block 182
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 294, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304-6, 308, 320, 322, 324, 326, 334, 336, 338, 340
Block 183
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 348, 352, 356, 358, 360, 362, 364-64A, 370, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 394, 396, 398, 400, 402
Block 184
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 404, 406, 408, 410, 412, 414, 416, 418, 420, 426, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450
Block 185
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 490, 492, 514
Block 186
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 558, 560
Block 278
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 278, 290
Court Street (ES): 141, 143, 145
(SS) - south side
(NS) - north side
(ES) - east side
Appendix B
Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict: Storefronts Conforming to the Specified Storefront Type
The following list of addresses of buildings within the Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict of the Special Downtown Brooklyn District that contain storefronts conforming to the definition of specified storefront type contained in Section 101-702.
Block 177
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 371, 375, 377, 377A
Hoyt Street (ES): 75, 77
Block 178
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 405, 407, 409
Block 179
Atlantic Avenue (NS): 483, 501, (easterly of 2 storefronts)
Block 181
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 232
Block 182
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 302 (westerly of 2 storefronts), 322, 340
Block 183
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 358, 360, 362, 364-364A, 370, 372, 394, 396, 398, 402
Block 189
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 404, 406, 408, 410, 412, 416, 420, 426
Block 185
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 492
Block 278
Atlantic Avenue (SS): 278
(SS) - south side
(NS) - north side
(ES) - east side
Appendix C
Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict: Permitted Wall Finishes for Street Walls
Brick: New brick shall be red or dark brown, unglazed, with normal variation in color permitted. Existing brick shall either be cleaned and left unfinished or painted one of the colors listed below.
Stucco: Stucco shall have a smooth troweled finish and shall be painted one of the colors listed below.
Stone: Stone shall be left natural or painted one of the colors listed below.
Paint Colors: Paints shall be limited to the colors listed.
White Limestone
Red Brick
Light Yellow
Dark Yellow
Appendix D
Atlantic Avenue Subdistrict: Permitted Trim Finishes (for storefronts, cornices, window sash, shutters or trim)
Wood: All wood should be painted one or more of the colors listed below.
Metal: All metal should be painted one or more of the colors listed below, except that aluminum may have a dark bronze or black duranodic finish.
Paint Colors: Paints shall be limited to the colors listed, and should be of the semi-gloss low luster variety.
White Cream
Dark Red
Dark Blue
Dark Brown
Appendix E
Special Downtown Brooklyn District Maps
Map 1 — Special Downtown Brooklyn District and Subdistricts (12/10/19)
Map 2 — Ground Floor Retail Frontage (6/6/24)
Map 3 — Street Wall Continuity and Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings (6/6/24)
Map 4 — Curb Cut Restrictions (6/6/24)
Map 5 — Height Limitation Areas (12/5/24)
Map 6 — Subway Station Improvement Areas (6/6/24)