
Floor area increase in Subdistricts B, C, D and E, and Special Garment Center District Subdistrict A-2

Within Subdistricts B, C, D and E, and Subdistrict A-2 of the Special Garment Center District, the provisions of Section 23-154 (Inclusionary Housing) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the floor area compensation provisions of this Section shall apply. In accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 93-22 (Floor Area Regulations in Subdistricts B, C, D, E and F) or 121-41 (Maximum Permitted Floor Area Within Subdistrict A-2), the maximum permitted residential floor area ratio on a zoning lot with developments or enlargements that provide affordable housing pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Program may be increased, as follows:

(a)        The permitted floor area ratio may be increased from 6.5, or as otherwise specified in Section 93-22, to a maximum of 9.0, provided that:

(1)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least 10 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot; or

(2)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least five percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot, and the amount of moderate income floor area is equal to at least 7.5 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot; or

(3)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least five percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot and the amount of middle income floor area is equal to at least 10 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot.

(b)        The permitted floor area ratio may be increased from 9.0 to a maximum of 12.0, provided that:

(1)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least 20 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot; or

(2)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least 10 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot, and the amount of moderate income floor area is equal to at least 15 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot; or

(3)        the amount of low income floor area is equal to at least 10 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot and the amount of middle income floor area is equal to at least 20 percent of the total residential floor area on the zoning lot.

For the purposes of this Section, low income floor area may be considered moderate income floor area or middle income floor area, and moderate income floor area may be considered middle income floor area.
