
Applicability of Article VII, Chapter 4

(a)        The following special permits by the City Planning Commission shall not be applicable:

Section 74-142        (Electric utility substations) shall not apply. In lieu thereof, such uses shall be allowed within the Special Hudson Yards District upon authorization of the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 93-18 (Authorization for Electrical Utility Substations

Section 74-61        (Development Within or Over a Railroad or Transit Right-of-way or Yard)

Section 74-72        (Bulk Modification)

Section 74-74        (Large-scale General Development) shall be inapplicable in the Large-scale Plan Subdistrict A

Section 74-831        (Court houses)

Section 74-841        (Development in certain Commercial Districts)

Section 74-852        (Height and setback regulations for zoning lots divided by district boundaries)

Section 74-87        (Covered Pedestrian Space)

Section 74-91        (Modification of Public Plazas)

Section 74-95        (Modifications of Housing Quality Special Permits).


(b)        The following provisions regarding special permits by the City Planning Commission shall be applicable as modified:

Section 74-194        (Public parking garages or public parking lots in high density central areas) shall be applicable to the renewal of City Planning Commission special permits for public parking lots and public parking garages granted prior to April 14, 2010.

Section 74-79        (Transfer of Development Rights From Landmark Sites) shall apply, except that within the Pennsylvania Station Subarea B4 of the Farley Corridor Subdistrict B, such section shall be applicable only for a development or enlargement that has increased its permitted floor area ratio to 15.0 pursuant to Section 93-35 (Special Permit for Transit Bonus in Pennsylvania Station Subarea B4). Furthermore, the maximum amount of floor area that may be transferred from the zoning lot occupied by a landmark building may increase the maximum allowable floor area ratio within the Pennsylvania Station Subarea B4 to 19.5.

Section 74-82        (Through Block Arcades) shall apply to any development or enlargement for which a through block arcade would not otherwise be permitted pursuant to this Chapter, except that no floor area bonus shall be permitted.



