
Vehicle storage establishments

Commercial or public utility vehicle storage, including accessory motor fuel pumps, listed under Use Group IX(C), open or enclosed, shall be a permitted use on Parcel 5, as shown on Map 1 in the Appendix to this Chapter, provided that:

  1. such use is the primary use on Parcel 5;
  2. no more than 10,000 square feet of floor area shall be provided on Parcel 5; and
  3. a shore public walkway is provided as set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 87-71 (Special Public Access Provisions).

    The streetscape provisions of Section 87-41, inclusive and the special height and setback regulations of Section 87-32, inclusive, shall not apply to such use. In lieu thereof, the applicable height and setback provisions of Article VI, Chapter 2 shall apply.