Height and setback in Subareas D1 and D2
(a) Tenth Avenue
(1) For zoning lots that do not occupy the entire Tenth Avenue block front, and for zoning lots that occupy the entire Tenth Avenue block front where existing buildings containing residences will remain, the street wall of any development or enlargement shall be located on and extend along the entire Tenth Avenue street line, except that to allow for corner articulation, the street wall may be located anywhere within an area bounded by intersecting street lines and lines 15 feet from and parallel to such lines. Such street wall shall rise without setback to a minimum base height of 90 feet and a maximum base height of 150 feet, except that such minimum base height requirement shall not apply to any existing buildings containing residences to remain. Where such zoning lots also front upon a narrow street, these provisions shall apply along such narrow street frontage for a minimum distance of 50 feet and a maximum distance of 100 feet from the intersection of Tenth Avenue. Above a height of 150 feet, the setback provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 93-42 shall apply.
(2) For zoning lots that occupy the entire Tenth Avenue block front, and where no existing buildings fronting upon Tenth Avenue will remain, the street wall shall be located within 10 feet of the Tenth Avenue street line and extend along the entire Tenth Avenue frontage of the zoning lot and shall rise without setback to a minimum base height of 90 feet and a maximum base height of 150 feet. These provisions shall apply for a minimum distance of 50 feet and a maximum distance of 100 feet from the intersection of Tenth Avenue.
Above a height of 150 feet, the setback provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 93-42 shall apply. Alternatively, the Tenth Avenue street wall may rise above 150 feet without setback, provided that:
(i) the aggregate width of such street wall does not exceed 100 feet;
(ii) all other portions of the building that exceed a height of 150 feet are set back at least 10 feet from the Tenth Avenue street wall of the building at a height not lower than 90 feet;
(iii) all portions of the building that exceed a height of 150 feet are set back from a narrow street in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 93-42; and
(iv) all portions of the Tenth Avenue street wall that do not exceed a height of 90 feet are located 10 feet from the Tenth Avenue street line, except that recesses may be provided in accordance with the recess provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 93-50. Above a height of 90 feet, up to a height of 150 feet, any street wall facing Tenth Avenue shall be located no closer to Tenth Avenue than 10 feet.
(b) Hudson Boulevard
The regulations set forth in paragraph (a) of Section 93-512 (Subareas A3, A4 and A5 of the Large-Scale Plan Subdistrict A) shall apply, except that wherever a setback from the Hudson Boulevard street line is required to be at least 25 feet deep, such setback depth may be reduced to 15 feet.
(c) Midblocks between Tenth Avenue and Hudson Boulevard
The regulations set forth in paragraph (c) of Section 93-512 shall apply.
(d) Length of building wall
The maximum length of any story located above a height of 150 feet that faces north or south shall not exceed 100 feet. Such length shall be measured by inscribing within a rectangle the outermost walls at the level of each story entirely above a height of 150 feet. Any side of such rectangle from which perpendicular lines may be drawn to the nearest narrow street line shall not exceed 100 feet.
(e) Tower lot coverage
Where more than one tower on a zoning lot contains residences, the minimum lot area requirement of paragraph (c)(1) of Section 93-42 shall not apply to the highest 80 feet of at least half of the number of such towers.