
Modification of Sign Regulations

(a)        Subdistricts A, B, C, D and E

Within Subdistricts A, B, C, D and E, the underlying sign regulations shall apply, except that flashing signs shall not be allowed within 100 feet of Hudson Boulevard, its northerly prolongation to West 39th Street and its southerly prolongation to West 33rd Street. Within the Pennsylvania Station Subarea B4, the provisions of Section 93-161 (Special permit for signs within the Pennsylvania Station Subarea) shall apply. The following modifications to the underlying sign regulations shall apply in the Eastern Rail Yard Subarea A1:

(1)        Flashing signs shall not be allowed on any portion of a building fronting upon the outdoor plaza required pursuant to Section 93-71.

(2)        For signs facing Tenth Avenue, or on a portion of a building within 100 feet of Tenth Avenue, in addition to signs permitted under the underlying sign regulations:

(i)        up to four signs may exceed the maximum height limitations of the underlying sign regulations, provided that no such sign exceeds 95 feet in height; and

(ii)        up to five signs may be located without regard to the maximum surface area limitations of the underlying sign regulations, provided that:

(a)        the aggregate surface area of such signs does not exceed 4,400 square feet; and

(b)        each such sign shall have a maximum surface area of 650 square feet, except for one sign that may have a maximum surface area of 1,800 square feet.

Any sign which exceeds the maximum height permitted by the underlying sign regulations shall direct attention to no more than one business conducted on the zoning lot and no such signs shall be flashing signs. Additionally, no more than two of the additional signs permitted under this paragraph (a)(2), if located below the maximum height permitted by the underlying sign regulations, shall be flashing signs.

Erection of one or both of the additional flashing signs permitted under this paragraph (a)(2) shall be conditioned upon and subject to additional limitations upon flashing effects for all flashing signs located on a building wall facing Tenth Avenue or on a building wall within 100 feet of Tenth Avenue, as prescribed by the City Planning Commission pursuant to a restrictive declaration. Recordation of such restrictive declaration in the Office of the Register and compliance with the terms thereof with respect to any previously erected flashing signs permitted under the underlying sign regulations shall be a precondition to the issuance of permits by the Commissioner of Buildings for an additional flashing sign permitted under this paragraph.

(3)        Along the ERY High Line, the sign regulations as set forth in Section 93-16, paragraph (b)(1), shall apply. In addition, no flashing signs above the level of the High Line bed shall be located within 150 feet of and facing the ERY High Line.

(4)        For an ERY Culture, Festival and Exhibit Facility, the total surface area of all permitted signs and banners shall be as set forth in this paragraph, (a)(4). The maximum aggregate surface area of all signs shall not exceed 2,700 square feet. Signs, other than banners, facing the outdoor plaza, as described in Section 93-71, paragraph (b), shall not exceed a maximum aggregate surface area of 200 square feet; signs facing the connection to the High Line, as described in Section 93-71, paragraph (f), shall not exceed a maximum aggregate surface area of 200 square feet; and signs facing West 30th Street shall not exceed a maximum aggregate surface area of 1,700 square feet. A maximum of 600 square feet of signs in the form of banners are permitted facing or within the outdoor plaza. No sign shall exceed a height of 30 feet above the level of the Culture Facility Plaza, as described in Section 93-71, paragraph (j) and no signs facing West 30th Street shall be located at a height above the High Line. Banners located within the outdoor plaza may be installed on one or two poles located not less than 13 feet from an ERY Culture, Festival and Exhibit Facility. The bottom of any such banner shall be located at least 10 feet above the bottom of the pole. Any sign that exceeds 300 square feet of surface area shall be non-illuminated or a sign with indirect illumination.

(b)        Subdistrict F

For the purposes of calculating the permitted surface area of a sign, each site set forth on Map 2 (Subdistrict F: Site Plan) in Appendix B shall be considered a separate zoning lot.

(1)        Along the High Line

The sign regulations of the underlying districts shall not apply to signs located within 50 feet of the High Line, except for signs located entirely below the level of the High Line bed. In lieu thereof, the sign regulations of a C1 District shall apply, except that accessory signs located within the High Line frontage may have a maximum height of 20 feet above the level of the High Line bed.

No signs affixed to or resting upon the High Line shall be permitted, except as pursuant to a signage plan for the High Line, as authorized by the City Planning Commission, provided the Commission finds that such signage plan will:

(i)        enhance the use of the High Line by providing signage that is consistent with the use of the High Line as a public open space;

(ii)        provide, at a minimum, directional, informational and interpretive signage consistent with the use of the High Line as a public open space;

(iii)        be integrated with the design of the High Line open space; and

(iv)        not adversely affect development adjacent to the High Line and in the surrounding neighborhood.

(2)        Other locations

Within Subdistrict F, the underlying sign regulations shall apply for signs located beyond 50 feet of the High Line, and for portions of signs located entirely below the level of the High Line bed along West 30th Street. However, flashing signs shall not be permitted in Subdistrict F, except along frontages within 200 feet of the intersection of the West 33rd Street and Eleventh Avenue street lines.
