District Plan and Maps
The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the Special Hudson Yards District Plan.
The District Plan includes the following six maps in Appendix A of this Chapter:
Map 1 Special Hudson Yards District, Subdistricts and Subareas
Map 2 Mandatory Ground Floor Retail
Map 3 Mandatory Street Wall Requirements
Map 4 Mandatory Sidewalk Widenings
Map 5 Transit Facilities
Map 6 Sites Where Special Parking Regulations Apply
Subdistrict Plans include the following five maps in Appendix B of this Chapter:
Map 1 Subdistrict B: 450 West 33rd Street and Ninth Avenue Rail Yard Public Access Area Plan
Map 2 Subdistrict F: Site Plan
Map 3 Subdistrict F: Public Access Area Plan
Map 4 Subdistrict F: Mandatory Ground Floor Requirements
Map 5 Subdistrict F: Mandatory Street Wall Requirements
The Maps are hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution. They are incorporated for the purpose of specifying locations where special regulations and requirements set forth in the text of this Chapter apply.