Limited height of buildings
For the purposes of this Section, the term “buildings” shall include buildings or other structures. No portion of any building may be built to a height greater than 85 feet above curb level, except that:
(a) any portion of a building required to have an exterior wall coincident with a 110–135 foot mandatory front building wall line, as provided in Section 84-132 (Mandatory front building walls), may be built to a height of up to 135 feet above curb level ;
(b) any portion of a building required to have an exterior wall coincident with a 110–230 foot mandatory front building wall line, as provided in Section 84-132 and subject to the requirements contained in paragraph (f) therein, may be built to a height of up to 230 feet above curb level ;
(c) portions of a building required to have an exterior wall coincident with a 150–250 foot mandatory front building wall line, as provided in Section 84-132, may be built to a height of up to 250 feet above curb level ;
(d) on the portion of any zoning lot designated as a special height location in Appendices 2.2 or 3.2, a building may be built to the height above curb level indicated in Appendices 2.2 or 3.2, subject to the following:
(1) on any building south of First Place and east of Battery Place, with a mandatory front building wall, the area of which, below the level of the second story ceiling, occupies 100 percent of the frontage along its mandatory front building wall line, a height of not more than 450 feet, provided, however, that a setback of not more than 10 feet may be provided at a height of 85 feet or more above curb level;
(2) on zoning lots located north of First Place, south of Third Place, and east of Battery Place, special height locations not to exceed heights of 135 feet or 360 feet above curb level are permitted as indicated in Appendix 2.2, provided that a setback of 10 feet is provided at a height of 85 feet above curb level along any narrow street frontage;
(3) on the zoning lot at the southeast corner of Chambers Street and North End Avenue, the special height location indicated in Appendix 3.2 shall apply only if such zoning lot is occupied by school and residential uses and the portion of the building above a height of 135 feet above curb level does not exceed a lot coverage of 40 percent; and
(4) on the zoning lot at the northeast corner of Murray Street and North End Avenue, a special height location of 320 feet above curb level is permitted as indicated in Appendix 3.2, subject to the requirements contained in Section 84-132, paragraph (f);
(e) Any portion of a building that exceeds an established height limit shall be subject to the following provisions:
(1) The obstructions set forth in Section 23-41 and 33-42, as applicable, along with heliostats, may penetrate a maximum height limit.
(2) The maximum permitted size of enclosure walls surrounding elevator or stair bulkheads, roof water tanks, cooling towers and accessory mechanical equipment may be increased by authorization of the City Planning Commission, provided the Commission finds that:
(i) the width of such additional enclosure wall at each building face does not exceed 80 percent of the width of the enclosure wall as allowed in paragraph (e)(1) of this Section;
(ii) the additional area of the enclosure wall at each building face is not more than 50 percent of the area permitted as-of-right; and
(iii) the enclosure wall is compatible with the building and the urban design goals of the Special District and complements the design by providing a decorative top; and
(f) in special height locations in Appendices 2.2 and 3.2 of this Chapter, no portion of a building, including permitted obstructions, shall exceed a height of 450 feet above curb level.