
Screening and Tree Planting Requirements for all Parking Lots With 10 or More Spaces

All new or enlarged parking lots with 10 or more spaces shall comply with the screening requirement provisions of this Section.

Accessory parking spaces that adjoin zoning lots with residential uses shall be screened by an opaque wall or fence extending not less than six feet but not higher than eight feet above finished grade, or alternatively, by a planting strip at least five feet wide and densely planted with evergreen shrubs at least four feet high at time of planting, and of a variety expected to reach a height of six feet within three years, or by both. No chain link fences shall be permitted.

Accessory parking spaces that adjoin zoning lots with non-residential uses shall be screened by an opaque wall or fence extending at least four feet high but not higher than six feet above finished grade, or alternatively by a planting strip at least five feet wide and densely planted with evergreen shrubs at least two and one-half feet high at time of planting. Open chain link fences shall be permitted only within such planting strip, and such fences shall extend at least four feet but not more than six feet above finished grade.

Accessory parking spaces that front upon a street shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Section 37-921 (Perimeter landscaping).

In addition, such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times, may be interrupted by normal entrances or exits and shall have no signs hung or attached thereto other than those permitted in Sections 32-62 (Permitted Signs), 32-63 (Permitted Advertising Signs) or 42-62 (Permitted Signs).
