
Special provisions for storefronts

No storefront of the specified storefront type shall be demolished unless its demolition is required by the Department of Buildings. Reconstruction or repair of storefronts of the specified storefront type shall be done in such a manner as to retain or restore the original design and materials, except that plate glass may be replaced by transparent plastic. Such storefronts shall be finished in an approved manner, as indicated in Appendix D of this Chapter.

New storefronts installed in any existing or new building shall comply with the ground floor level streetscape provisions of Section 101-11 (Special Ground Floor Use Regulations) and the following standards:

(a)        A storefront installed in a building of the specified building type shall occupy at least the same area of the front wall as the original storefront. A storefront installed in any other building shall occupy the entire frontage of the front wall devoted to commercial uses.

(b)        Storefront entrance doors shall be set back a minimum of two feet behind the vertical surface of the show windows

(c)        In the case of existing buildings, no existing cornice above a storefront shall be demolished unless required by the Department of Buildings. A cornice which is removed shall be replaced by a cornice having the same length, height and projection beyond the surface of the front wall. In any building of the specified building type where the original cornice above the storefront has been previously removed, any new storefront shall incorporate a cornice or fascia extending the full length of the store front and having a minimum height of two feet.

(d)        All framing elements, trim elements, doors, etc., of the storefront shall be finished in an approved manner, as indicated in Appendix D.

(e)        Any awning or canopy attached to a building with a storefront which incorporates a cornice shall be attached in such manner as not to obscure or cover the cornice.
