Special Regulations for 42nd Street Perimeter Area
The provisions of this Section shall apply in all Commercial Districts within the area bounded by the following:
Starting 150 feet west of Eighth Avenue, south to the southern boundary of West 41st Street, west to the east side of Twelfth Avenue, north along the eastern border of Twelfth Avenue to 43rd Street, east on West 43rd Street to the eastern side of Tenth Avenue, south along Tenth Avenue to the southern boundary of West 42nd Street, east on West 42nd Street to Ninth Avenue, north along the western boundary of Ninth Avenue to the midblock of 42nd/43rd Street, east to a point 150 feet west of Eighth Avenue, south to the southerly boundary of 41st Street.
- Special use regulations
In the 42nd Street Perimeter Area, as shown in Appendix A of this Chapter, the following special use regulations shall apply:- Offices
Any development or enlargement that includes uses listed under Offices in Use Group VII developed or enlarged after January 19, 2005, shall be permitted only pursuant to Section 93-13 (Special Office Use Regulations). - Automobile showrooms and repairs
In Subarea 1, on the block bounded by Twelfth Avenue, West 43rd Street, Eleventh Avenue and West 42nd Street, automobile dealers listed under Use Group VI may be permitted within a completely enclosed building, below the level of any floor occupied by dwelling units, and such establishments may include repair services or preparation of automobiles for delivery, provided that:- access for automobiles to the portions of the building to be used for vehicle storage, preparation of automobiles for delivery, and automobile repairs shall be located on West 43rd Street;
- areas within the building used for vehicle storage, preparation of automobiles for delivery, or automobile repairs shall not be used for accessory parking for other uses on the zoning lot; except that such areas may be accessed from a curb cut, vehicular ramp, or vehicle elevator that also serves an accessory group parking facility; and
- the portions of the building used for the preparation of automobiles for delivery and automobile repairs shall be located entirely in a cellar level.
- Offices
- Floor area regulations
- Floor area regulations in Subarea 1
In Subarea 2 of the 42nd Street Perimeter Area, as shown in Appendix A, for zoning lots containing developments or enlargements with qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing, the maximum residential floor area ratio shall be 12.0, and where such maximum residential floor area ratio is achieved, the maximum permitted floor area ratio may be increased from 12.0 to 15.0 for new legitimate theater use in accordance with the provisions of Section 96-25 (Floor Area Bonus for New Theater Use). - Floor area regulations in Subarea 2
In Subarea 2 of the 42nd Street Perimeter Area, as shown in Appendix A, the basic floor area ratio on a zoning lot shall be 10.0. However, the floor area ratio on a zoning lot containing residential use may exceed 10.0 to a maximum of 12.0 only in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-154, except that any units for which a floor area increase has been earned pursuant to Section 23-154 shall be within the Special Clinton District. For zoning lots containing developments or enlargements that have fully utilized the Inclusionary Housing Program, the maximum permitted floor area ratio may be increased from 12.0 to 15.0 for new legitimate theater use in accordance with the provisions of Section 96-25 (Floor Area Bonus for New Theater Use).
Any development or enlargement on a zoning lot that includes the area bounded by a line 129 feet east of and parallel to Tenth Avenue, West 42nd Street, a line 184 feet east of and parallel to Tenth Avenue, and a line 50 feet south of and parallel to West 42nd Street shall provide an easement or other agreement for public access to the subway mezzanine or station, as illustrated on the District Map in Appendix A of this Chapter.
An instrument establishing such transit easement or other agreement shall be filed and duly recorded in the Borough Office of the City Register of the City of New York, and indexed against the property.
Floor space within the volume governed by such transit easement or other agreement shall be excluded from the definition of floor area, and may be temporarily used by the owner of the zoning lot for any permitted uses until such time as required by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority or by its designee for subway purposes. Improvements or construction of a temporary nature within the volume governed by such transit easement or other agreement for such temporary uses shall be removed by the owner of the zoning lot prior to the time at which public use of the volume area is required. A minimum notice of six months in writing shall be given by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to the owner of the zoning lot in order to vacate the tenants of such temporary uses.
The provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 93-65 (Transit Facilities) shall apply to any subway-related uses consisting of ventilation facilities and other facilities or services used or required in connection with the operation of a subway line or station on the tax lot located at Block 1051, Lot 2, existing on October 27, 2010, up to a height of 73 feet, as illustrated on the District Map in Appendix A of this Chapter.
- Floor area regulations in Subarea 1
- Retail continuity requirements
The underlying ground floor level streetscape provisions set forth in Section 32-30 (STREETSCAPE REGULATIONS), inclusive, shall apply, except that ground floor level street frontages along West 42nd Street, between Ninth and Twelfth Avenues shall be considered Tier C street frontages - Street wall continuity requirements
The street wall location provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 23-431 shall apply except that, the street wall shall extend up to minimum height of 45 feet above curb level or the height of the building, whichever is less, and no more than 85 feet. Above this required height, the street wall of a building shall set back at least five feet. The requirements of this paragraph shall also apply to any building on a wide street frontage within a distance of 50 feet from its intersection with West 42nd Street. - Pedestrian circulation space
Within Subarea 2 of the 42nd Street Perimeter Area, as shown in Appendix A, pedestrian circulation space shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 37-50. In addition, for developments or enlargements that provide subway entranceways constructed after December 21, 2005, one and one-half times the area of such entranceway accessible to the public at street level may qualify as pedestrian circulation space, up to a maximum amount of 3,000 square feet. - Special curb cut and parking provisions
No curb cuts shall be permitted on 42nd Street. The parking provisions of the Special Hudson Yards District shall apply within the 42nd Street Perimeter Area, as set forth in Section 93-80 (OFF-STREET PARKING REGULATIONS), except that such parking provisions shall not apply to any development or enlargement for which a special permit was granted prior to January 19, 2005.
Any development or enlargement for which a building permit has been lawfully issued prior to December 31, 2004, shall comply with either the parking regulations in effect at the time the permit was issued, or the provisions of this paragraph (f).