
Special floor area requirement for certain commercial uses

For each square foot of commercial floor area in a building occupied by uses listed under Use Groups VI or VIII an equal or greater amount of permitted residential, community facility or other permitted commercial floor area shall be provided.

However, the City Planning Commission may authorize a modification or waiver of this provision upon finding that such building includes:

  1. a superior site plan that enables safe and efficient pedestrian connectivity to and between establishments and publicly accessible areas;
  2. a superior parking and circulation plan that reduces conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traffic, minimizes open parking lots and limits conflicts between curb cuts;
  3. a design that enhances and is integrated with publicly accessible        areas including provision of a public entrance fronting on a waterfront public access area;
  4. a variety of retail establishments; and
  5. uses that do not unduly affect the residential uses in the nearby area or conflict with future land use and development of adjacent areas.

The Commission may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards to minimize adverse effects of any such uses on publicly accessible areas.
