
District Plan

The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the Special Harlem River Waterfront District Plan as set forth in the Appendix to this Chapter. The plan area has been divided into three Subdistricts comprised of parcels that consist of tax blocks and lots as follows:

Core Subdistrict - tax blocks and lots existing on June 30, 2009

Parcel 1: Block 2349, Lot 112

Parcel 2: Block 2349, Lot 100 (that portion not mapped as parkland in accordance with Alteration Map No. 13124, dated January 29, 2009, in the Office of the Bronx Borough President)

Parcel 3: Block 2349, Lots 46, 47, 146

Parcel 4: Block 2349, Lot 38

Parcel 5: Block 2349, Lots 15, 20

Parcel 6: Block 2349, Lots 3, 4

Parcel 7: Block 2323, Lot 43

Parcel 8: Block 2323, Lot 28

Parcel 9: Block 2323, Lots 5, 13, 18

North Subdistrict - tax blocks and lots existing on December 11, 2017

Parcel 10: Block 2539, Lot 1, portion of
                 Lots 2, 3

                 Block 2356, Lots 2, 72 and tentative
                 Lot 102 (existing on December 11, 2017)

South Subdistrict - tax blocks and lots existing on December 11, 2017

Parcel 11: Block 2319, Lot 55

Parcel 12: Block 2319, Lot 60

Parcel 13: Block 2319, Lots 37 and 155

Parcel 14: Block 2319, Lot 98

Parcel 15: Block 2319, Lot 99

Parcel 16: Block 2319, Lots 100 and 108

Parcel 17: Block 2319, Lot 109

Parcel 18: Block 2319, Lot 112

Parcel 19: Block 2319, Lot 2

Parcel 20: Block 2316, Lots 1 and 35

Parcel 21: Block 2319, Lot 200

The District Plan includes the following maps:

Map 1. (Special Harlem River Waterfront District, Subdistricts and Parcels)

Map 2. (Designated Non-residential Use Locations)

Map 3. (Waterfront Access Plan: Public Access Elements)

Map 4. (Waterfront Access Plan: Designated Visual Corridors)
