Site 5
All stories of a building located wholly or partially above finished grade on Site 5 shall be considered a tower and shall comply with the provisions of this Section.
On Site 5, a building may be located adjacent to and above the High Line, provided no portion of such building or an associated structural column is located within five feet of the edge of the High Line from the level of finished grade to a level of 50 feet above the level of the High Line bed, as shown on Map 3 (Subdistrict F: Public Access Area Plan) in Appendix B.
(a) Maximum floor plate
The gross area of any story within that portion of a building or other structure located east of the High Line and wholly or partially above the finished grade to a height of 50 feet above the High Line bed shall not exceed 5,000 square feet.
The aggregate gross area of any portion of a building or other structure located west of the High Line and wholly or partially above the finished grade to a height of 50 feet above the High Line bed shall not exceed 700 square feet, and the maximum aggregate horizontal dimension of such portions, individually measured in their longest dimension, shall not exceed 30 feet.
The gross area of any story within that portion of a tower located above a height of 50 feet above the High Line bed shall not exceed 12,000 square feet.
(b) Maximum length and height
At or below a height of 50 feet above the High Line bed, if a building is located so that it has portions on both sides of the High Line, the minimum horizontal dimension, measured in any direction between such portions shall be 60 feet.
For that portion of a tower located above a height of 50 feet above the High Line bed, the maximum horizontal dimension, measured in any direction, shall not exceed 145 feet. However, if the angle of the tower’s maximum horizontal dimension is aligned within 15 degrees of a 45 degree line constructed from either the southwest or northeast corner of the Site 5 rectangle, in plan, as shown on Map 2 (Subdistrict F: Site Plan) in Appendix B, then such maximum horizontal dimension measured in this direction may be increased to 160 feet, provided that the maximum dimension measured perpendicular to such increased dimension does not exceed a length of 120 feet. Furthermore, the maximum horizontal dimension for that portion of a tower that spans the High Line, measured in any direction, shall not exceed 120 feet.
The maximum height of a tower on Site 5 shall be 350 feet.