District Improvement Fund Bonus
In Subdistrict A-2 of the Special Garment Center District and in the Special Hudson Yards District, except in Subdistrict F, the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission shall allow, by certification, the applicable basic maximum floor area ratio to be increased up to the maximum amount specified in Sections 93-21, 93-22 or 121-31, as applicable, provided that instruments in a form acceptable to the City are executed and recorded and that, thereafter, a contribution has been deposited in the Hudson Yards District Improvement Fund. The execution and recording of such instruments and the payment of such non-refundable contribution shall be a precondition to the filing for or issuing of any building permit allowing more than the basic maximum floor area for such development or enlargement.
The Commissioner of Buildings shall not authorize the construction of any development or enlargement utilizing floor area bonused pursuant to this Section, including foundations with respect thereto, nor shall the construction of any bonused portion thereof be authorized, until the Chairperson has certified that the requirements of this Section have been met. Nothing herein shall limit the ability of the Commissioner of Buildings to issue a permit for the construction of a development or enlargement which does not utilize such bonused floor area, provided that, prior to issuance of such permit, the Chairperson has notified the Commissioner of Buildings in writing of the receipt by the Department of City Planning of either:
(a) a letter from the applicant for such permit dated no earlier than 30 days prior to issuance thereof, stating whether as of such date the applicant anticipates filing an application to increase the applicable basic maximum floor area ratio pursuant to the provisions of this Section and/or other provisions in Sections 93-222 (Maximum floor area ratio in the 34th Street Corridor Subdistrict C), 93-223 (Maximum floor area ratio in Hell’s Kitchen Subdistrict D) or 121-41 (Maximum Permitted Floor Area Within Subdistrict A-2); or
(b) an application for a bonus from such applicant to increase the applicable basic maximum floor area ratio pursuant to the provisions of this Section and/or other provisions in Sections 93-222, 93-223 or 121-41.
Copies of letters received from applicants pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section shall be forwarded by the Department of City Planning to the Community Board and local City Council member, and maintained on file and be available for public inspection at such Department.
The contribution amount shall be $100 per square foot of floor area as of January 19, 2005, and shall be adjusted by the Chairperson annually. Such adjustment shall occur on August 1 of each calendar year, based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers as defined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for the twelve months ended on June 30 of that year. The contribution amount shall be determined based upon the rate which is in effect at the time the contribution is received, and contributions may be made only on days when the Hudson Yards Infrastructure Corporation (the “Corporation”) is open for business and during business hours as specified by the Corporation.
The Commission may promulgate rules regarding the administration of this Section, and the Commission may also, by rule, adjust the contribution amount specified in the preceding paragraph to reflect changes in market conditions within the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Area if, in its judgment, the adjusted amount will facilitate the district-wide improvements that are consistent with the purposes of this Chapter and the purposes of the Special Garment Center District. The Commission may make such an adjustment by rule, not more than once a year.
For any such adjustment by rule decreasing the contribution amount, or increasing the contribution amount by more than the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, the following shall apply:
(1) Such rule shall be effective for not more than two years; and
(2) The Commission shall not publish the proposed rule pursuant to the City Administrative Procedure Act unless the City Council Land Use Committee and the Department of City Planning have jointly filed an application for a zoning text amendment under Section 201 of the New York City Charter, which would make such adjustment of the contribution amount permanently effective. The contribution amount established under such rule as finally adopted shall continue in effect with further adjustments based upon the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, until the next adjustment of the contribution amount pursuant to this Section.
For the conversion to dwelling units of non-residential floor area, where the total floor area on the zoning lot to be converted to residential use exceeds a floor area ratio of 12.0, such excess floor area shall be permitted only pursuant to the provisions of this Section.