General provisions
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In the districts indicated, within the Inner Transit Zone, no accessory off-street parking spaces shall be required for dwelling units or rooming units for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy is issued after December 5, 2024.
For dwelling units or rooming units in multiple dwelling residences for which a temporary or final certificate of occupancy was issued between July 20, 1950 and December 5, 2024, off-street parking spaces accessory to such dwelling units or rooming units shall continue to be provided in accordance with the calculation methods set forth in Section 25-212 (Existing parking requirements in the Inner Transit Zone). The number of parking spaces required pursuant to Section 25-212 may only be reduced or eliminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 73-432 (Reduction of existing parking spaces for qualifying affordable housing) or Section 75-31 (Authorization to Remove Required Parking).