
Modification of Bulk Regulations in Certain Districts

R3-1 R3A R3X R4-1 R4A R4B R5B

In the districts indicated, the City Planning Commission may authorize developments or enlargements, pursuant to the bulk regulations of this Chapter, provided that the Commission finds that:

(a)        the design of the development or enlargement ensures adequate separation of uses and sufficient independent access to each use; and

(b)        the floor area designated for community facility use is designed in a manner that is consistent with such use and physically distinguishes such space from that designated for residential use.

The Commission may prescribe additional safeguards to prevent the conversion of such community facility use to residential use.

Applications for authorizations shall be referred to the affected Community Board for a period of at least 30 days for comment.  The Commission shall grant in whole or in part or deny the application within 60 days of the completion of the Community Board review period.
