
Permitted Parking for Non-residential Uses

Accessory off-street parking spaces are permitted for non-residential uses in developments or enlargements, as follows:

  1. Transient hotels

    For transient hotel developments or enlargements, a maximum of 150 accessory off-street parking spaces are permitted if there is only one entrance to the accessory group parking facility and a maximum of 225 accessory off-street parking spaces are permitted if there are two or more entrances. In no event may the number of parking spaces exceed 50 percent of the number of new transient hotel rooms.
  2. Hospitals

    For developments or enlargements of non-profit, voluntary or proprietary hospitals and related facilities listed under Use Group III(B), in Area A, as shown on the map in Section 16-03, a maximum of 150 accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, are permitted if there is only one entrance to the accessory group parking facility and a maximum of 225 accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, are permitted if there are two or more entrances.

    For hospital developments or enlargements within Areas B and C, as shown on the map, accessory off-street parking may be provided in accordance with the underlying district regulations.
  3. Other commercial, community facility and manufacturing uses

    For developments or enlargements in Area A containing community facility uses other than hospitals, commercial uses other than transient hotels, or manufacturing uses, the maximum number of accessory off-street parking spaces permitted shall not exceed one space per 4,000 square feet of such community facility, commercial or manufacturing floor area, or 100 spaces, whichever is less. All such parking spaces shall be used exclusively by the tenants or employees of the development or enlargement and shall not be available to the public.

    Within Areas B and C, the maximum number of accessory off-street parking spaces permitted for each development, enlargement or alteration shall not exceed one space per 4,000 square feet of floor area, or 100 spaces, whichever is less. In the event that the permitted number of accessory off-street spaces would be less than 15 spaces, an accessory parking facility of up to 15 spaces may be provided.