Special provisions in other geographies
- Special provisions for zoning lots with transportation-infrastructure-adjacent frontage
For zoning lots or portions thereof within 100 feet of a street line along a transportation-infrastructure-adjacent frontage, the following shall apply:- the street wall location provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 35-631 shall apply except that such street wall need not extend to the minimum base height set forth in Section 35-632. In lieu thereof, the street wall shall extend to a minimum base height of one story or 15 feet, whichever is lower; and
- for buildings containing multiple dwelling residences that are not otherwise eligible for additional height pursuant to paragraph (c) of Section 35-632, the applicable maximum building heights may be increased by 10 feet in Commercial Districts mapped within, or with a residential equivalent of, R1 through R6 Districts, and by 20 feet in Commercial Districts mapped within, or with a residential equivalent, of R7 through R12 Districts.