For purposes of this Section, inclusive, matter in italics is defined in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS) and in this Section.
Granting lot
For the purposes of this Section, inclusive, a “granting lot” shall mean a zoning lot or split lot that contains a landmark building or other structure.
Landmark building or other structure
For the purposes of this Section, inclusive, a “landmark building or other structure” shall include any structure designated as a landmark by the Landmarks Preservation Commission pursuant to the New York City Charter and Administrative Code, but shall not include those portions of zoning lots used for cemetery purposes, statues, monuments or bridges. No transfer of development rights is permitted pursuant to this Section, inclusive, from those portions of zoning lots used for cemetery purposes, statues, monuments or bridges.
Receiving lot
For the purposes of this Section, inclusive, a “receiving lot” shall mean a zoning lot or split lot to which development rights of a granting lot are transferred.
Split lot
For the purposes of this Section, inclusive, a “split lot” is each portion of a zoning lot that is divided by district boundaries.
Surrounding area
For the purposes of this Section, inclusive, the “surrounding area” shall mean all zoning lots on the block on which the landmark building or other structure is located, as well as all zoning lots across a street or street intersection from the block. It shall also mean, in Commercial Districts where the maximum floor area ratio for commercial uses is 15.0 or greater, zoning lots that, except for the intervention of streets or street intersections, form a series extending to the zoning lot occupied by the landmark building or other structure. All such lots shall be in the same ownership (fee ownership or alternative ownership arrangements of the zoning lot definition in Section 12-10).