
Special height and setback regulations

Within Waterfront Access Plan BK-1, the provisions of Section 62-30 (SPECIAL BULK REGULATIONS) are modified, as follows:

  1. The maximum base heights of paragraph (a) of Section 62-343 (Height and setback regulations in other medium- and high-density districts) shall be modified in R6 Districts to permit a maximum base height of 65 feet or six stories, whichever is less.
  2. The maximum building heights of Section 62-343 shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the provisions of this paragraph, (b), shall apply:
    1. The maximum building height in an R6 District shall be 65 feet or six stories, whichever is less, within 100 feet of Commercial Street, West Street, Dupont Street, Franklin Street and Kent Avenue. However, for buildings or other structures with qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing the maximum building height shall be 75 feet.

      Beyond 100 feet of such streets and any other portions of an R6 District, the maximum building height shall be 110 feet. In R8 Districts, the maximum building height shall be 190 feet, except that for zoning lots developed with multiple buildings or portions of buildings that exceed a height of 180 feet, not more than half of such buildings or portions of buildings may exceed a height of 190 feet, to a maximum building height of 290 feet. Such maximum building heights of 110 feet, 190 feet and 290 feet may be exceeded by a penthouse portion of a building, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this Section.
    2. For developments that provide qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing, the height limits of an R8 District set forth in paragraph (b)(1) of this Section may be exceeded, provided that the maximum building height shall be 260 feet, except that for zoning lots developed with multiple buildings or portions of buildings that exceed a height of 200 feet, not more than half of such buildings or portions of buildings may exceed a height of 260 feet to a maximum building height of 360 feet. Such maximum building heights of 260 feet and 360 feet may be exceeded by a penthouse portion of a building, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this Section.
    3. The maximum building height may be exceeded by a penthouse portion of a building with a height of not more than 40 feet, only if the gross area of any story within such portion has a lot coverage of at least 50 percent and not more than 85 percent of the highest story that is located entirely below the applicable maximum building height. Such reduced lot coverage shall be achieved by one or more setbacks on each face of the penthouse portion, where at least one setback on each face has a depth of at least four feet and a width that, individually or in the aggregate, is equal to at least 10 percent of the width of such respective face. For the purposes of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this Section, the penthouse portion shall have four faces, with each face being the side of the rectangle within which the outermost walls of the highest story located entirely below the maximum building height have been inscribed. The required setbacks shall be measured from the outermost walls of the building facing each penthouse portion face. Required setback areas may overlap.
  3. The provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 62-322 shall not apply.
  4. The provisions of paragraph (d)(2)(i) of Section 62-343 shall not apply. In lieu thereof, each residential story of a building located entirely above a height of 85 feet shall not exceed a gross area of 8,100 square feet in an R6 District and 11,000 square feet in an R8 District. However, in R8 Districts, for developments that provide qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing pursuant to Section 62-361, each residential story of such building located entirely above a height of 100 feet shall not exceed a gross area of 11,000 square feet. If such residential story of a building is located partially in an R6 District and partially in an R8 District, it shall not exceed a gross area of 11,000 square feet and any portion located in an R6 District shall not exceed a gross area of 8,100 square feet.
  5. The provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of Section 62-343 shall not apply. In lieu thereof, the outermost walls of each story located entirely above a height of 85 feet shall be inscribed within a rectangle. The maximum length of any side of such rectangle that is parallel or within 45 degrees of being parallel to Kent Avenue, West Street or Commercial Street, whichever is closest, shall not exceed 110 feet. The maximum length of any other side of such rectangle shall not exceed 170 feet, except that for buildings where qualifying affordable housing or qualifying senior housing is provided pursuant to Section 62-361, such maximum length of 170 feet shall apply above a height of 100 feet.
  6. The provisions of Section 62-351 shall not apply. In lieu thereof, all off-street parking spaces located within 50 feet of a street, a visual corridor containing a private road and a shore public walkway, upland connection or supplemental public access area and which are located on a story that is above the base plane, shall be within facilities that are located behind commercial, community facility or residential floor space so that no portion of such parking facility, other than entrances and exits, is visible from such streets, visual corridors or publicly accessible open spaces. Such floor space shall have a minimum depth of 25 feet. Up to five percent of such floor space may be used for mechanical equipment provided that no floor space used for mechanical equipment is located within 15 feet of the street wall of the building below a height of 15 feet above the base plane, and that no exhaust vents are located on the street wall of the building below a height of 15 feet above the base plane. The remainder of such floor space shall be used for commercial, community facility or residential floor area. Seventy percent of the surface area of the facade of a facility containing parking spaces, which are not otherwise required to be behind such floor area, shall be composed of the same materials as the facade of the building in which it is located.
  7. Any roof of a facility containing off-street parking spaces, not otherwise covered by a building, which is larger than 400 square feet, shall be landscaped. Up to five percent of such roof area may be used for mechanical equipment, provided that such mechanical equipment is screened from view by a fence which is at least 75 percent opaque or by at least three feet of dense planting. Up to 25 percent of such roof area may be accessible solely from an adjacent dwelling unit and the remaining roof area shall be accessible for the recreational use of the occupants of the building in which it is located. Hard surfaced areas shall not cover more than 60 percent of such roof area.
  8. At least 70 percent of the width of the street wall of a building or buildings fronting on a portion of a street, upland connection or visual corridor that is not adjacent to a shore public walkway or supplemental public access area shall be located within eight feet of such street line and extend to a minimum height of 30 feet.
  9. In addition to the applicable underlying street tree planting requirements, all extensions which increase the existing floor area by more than 10 percent, shall provide street trees in accordance with Section 26-41.
  10. On Parcel 5d, the maximum base height and maximum building height provisions of paragraph (a) of Section 62-343 shall be modified for public schools constructed in whole or in part pursuant to an agreement with the New York City School Construction Authority and subject to the jurisdiction of the New York City Department of Education, as follows:
    1. the maximum base height provisions shall not apply; and
    2. the maximum building height provisions shall be modified to permit a maximum building height of 100 feet or six stories, whichever is less.