Ground floor streetscape
For the purposes of this Section, “ground floor level” shall mean the floor of a building, the level of which is located within five feet of the finished level of the adjacent sidewalk.
For street walls that are more than 50 feet in width and within 50 feet of a waterfront public access area or street, the following rules shall apply:
- at least 50 percent of the width of such street walls shall be occupied by floor area at the ground floor level; and
- where such street walls do not contain windows with sill levels lower than four feet above the adjacent sidewalk for a continuous distance of at least 30 feet, such street walls shall be articulated with rustication or decorative grills, or screened with plant material, to a minimum height of four feet.
Parking garages that occupy the ground floor frontage along any street or private drive which is also an upland connection shall be screened in accordance with the planting requirements of paragraph (a)(7)(iii) of Section 62-655.