
Use regulations in Manufacturing Districts with an A suffix

In Manufacturing Districts with an A suffix, the applicable use regulations shall be modified as follows:

  1. In M1 Districts with an A suffix:
    1. all retail and service uses listed in Use Group VI shall be permitted, and no associated size limitations shall apply to grocery and convenience retailers and specialty food retailers;
    2. all recreation, entertainment and assembly space uses listed in Use Group VIII shall be permitted;
    3. all community facility uses without sleeping accommodations listed in Use Group III(B) shall be permitted.
  2. In M2 Districts with an A suffix, the use regulations for an M1 District without an A suffix shall apply, inclusive of performance standards, supplementary use regulations, and sign regulations. However, grocery and convenience retailers and specialty food retailers listed in Use Group VI shall be limited to 30,000 square feet of floor area per establishment.
  3. In M3 Districts with an A suffix, the following special permits by the Board of Standards and Appeals or the City Planning Commission shall not be applicable:

    Section 73-161 (Retail and service uses)
    Section 73-162 (Eating or drinking establishments)
    Section 73-181 (Recreation, entertainment and assembly space uses)
    Section 74-161 (Retail and service uses)
    Section 74-181 (Recreation, entertainment, and assembly space uses)
    Section 74-182 (Arenas, auditoriums, stadiums or trade expositions)
    Section 74-183 (Drive-in theaters)
    Section 74-184 (Racetracks).