
General Provisions

In harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Resolution and the general purpose of the Special Coney Island Mixed Use District and in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter, regulations of the Special Coney Island Mixed Use District shall replace and supersede the existing district regulations. In flood zones, in the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Chapter and the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 4 (Special Regulations Applying in Flood Zones), the provisions of Article VI, Chapter 4, shall control.

All residences and community facilities shall be subject to all the provisions applicable in R5 Districts, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter. The special regulations relating to predominantly built-up areas, as defined in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), shall apply to all buildings containing residences, except that front yards shall not be required.

All commercial and manufacturing uses shall be subject to all the provisions applicable in M1-2 Districts, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Chapter.

The use of any building may be changed to another use listed within the same Use Group or as provided in Sections 106-12 (Special Permit Provisions for Residential Uses), 106-32 (Special Permit Provisions for Manufacturing and Commercial Uses) or 106-33 (Changes of Manufacturing or Commercial Use).

In the case of a zoning lot occupied partly by residential uses and partly by other uses, the maximum floor area ratio on the zoning lot shall not exceed 2.0. In no event shall the total floor area of residential uses on a zoning lot exceed 1.65.

In any building above the level of the first story ceiling, residential uses shall not be located on the same story as or below manufacturing or commercial uses, and manufacturing uses shall not be located on the same story as or above residential uses.

Zoning lots adjacent to the Special Coney Island Mixed Use District shall not be subject to the provisions of Sections 42-214 (Special provisions applying along district boundaries), 42-412 (In M2 or M3 Districts), 42-42 (Enclosure or Screening of Storage), 42-44 (Limitations on Business Entrances, Show Windows or Signs), 42-56 (Special Provisions Applying Along District Boundaries), 43-30 (SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLYING ALONG DISTRICT BOUNDARIES) or 44-583 (Restrictions on location of berths near Residence Districts).

Special regulations for residential uses are listed in Sections 106-11 and 106-12 of this Chapter.

Special regulations for community facility uses are listed in Section 106-21 of this Chapter.

Special regulations for manufacturing and commercial uses are listed in Sections 106-31, 106-32 and 106-33 of this Chapter.

Special regulations for buildings containing both residential and commercial uses are listed in Sections 106-41 and 106-42 of this Chapter.
