
District Plan and Maps

The regulations of this Chapter are designed to implement the Special West Chelsea District Plan.

The District Plan includes the following maps and illustrative diagrams in Appendices A, B and C and the special regulations in Appendices D, E and F:

Appendix A - Special West Chelsea District and Subareas

Appendix B - High Line Transfer Corridor Location

Appendix C - Illustrative Diagrams of the High Line and Building Envelopes for Sites Adjacent to the High Line

Diagram 1 - Street Wall and High Line Frontage Regulations in Subareas C, F and G

Diagram 2 - Street Wall and High Line Frontage Regulations in Subarea A

Diagram 3 - Subarea H Requirements

Diagram 4 - High Line Improvement Area Boundaries for Zoning Lots Divided by District Boundaries in Subareas D, E and G

Diagram 5 - Subarea I Requirements between West 16th and West 17th Streets

Diagram 6 - High Line Access Easement Volume Parameters

Diagram 7 - High Line Bed and Frontages

Appendix D - Special Regulations for Zoning Lots Utilizing the High Line Improvement Bonus in Subarea H

Appendix E - Special Regulations for Zoning Lots Utilizing the High Line Improvement Bonus and Located Partially Within Subareas D, E, G or I

Appendix F - Special Regulations for Zoning Lots Utilizing the High Line Improvement Bonus and Located Within Subarea J.

The maps and diagrams are hereby incorporated and made part of this Resolution. They are incorporated for the purpose of illustrating requirements or specifying locations where the special regulations and requirements set forth in this Chapter shall apply.
