Front yard planting requirements
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12
In the districts indicated, the area of the zoning lot between the street line and all street walls of the building and their prolongations shall be planted at ground level, or in raised planting beds that are permanently affixed to the ground, except that such plantings shall not be required at the entrances to and exits from the building, within driveways accessing off-street parking spaces located within, to the side, or rear of such building, or in any area where there is a permitted obstruction permitted pursuant to Section 23-31, inclusive.
Planted areas shall be comprised of any combination of grass, groundcover, shrubs, trees, or other living plant material, and shall have a minimum dimension of one foot, exclusive of any bounding walls.
No zoning lot shall be altered in any way that will either create a new non-compliance or increase the degree of non-compliance with the provisions of this Section.