Special rules for certain interior or through lots
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12
In the districts indicated, the maximum lot coverage set forth in Section 23-361 (Maximum lot coverage in R1 through R5 Districts) or 23-362 (Maximum lot coverage in R6 through R12 Districts), as applicable, may be increased in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
- Shallow zoning lots
For zoning lots eligible for the rear yard modifications for shallow interior lots set forth in Section 23-342 (Rear yard requirements) or the rear yard equivalent modifications for shallow through lots set forth in Section 23-343 (Rear yard equivalent requirements), the maximum lot coverage of such zoning lot, or portion thereof, may be increased by one percent for every five feet the depth of such zoning lot, or portion thereof, is less than 95 feet for interior lots or 190 feet for through lots. Where the front lot line or rear lot line of a zoning lot intersects a side lot line at an angle other than 90 degrees, the depth of such zoning lot, or portion thereof, shall be measured at the midpoint of such irregularly angled lot line.
In no event shall the maximum lot coverage of an interior lot or through lot exceed 90 percent. Shallow portions of a zoning lot may exceed such maximum, so long as the adjusted maximum lot coverage complies with such maximum. - Within 100 feet of corners
In the districts indicated, for interior or through lots, or portions thereof, within 100 feet of the point of intersection of two street lines intersecting at an angle of 135 degrees or less, the maximum lot coverage shall be 100 percent. - Along the short dimension of the block
In the districts indicated, whenever a front lot line of an interior or through lot coincides with the street line of the short dimension of a block, the maximum lot coverage for such zoning lot, or portion thereof, shall be 100 percent within 100 feet of such street line.