
Maximum Width of Certain Uses

The maximum width of lobbies, entrances and exits to off-street parking facilities, and entryways to mass transit stations, are set forth in this Section.

  1. Ground floor lobbies 

    The maximum length of lobbies accessing uses not permitted on the ground floor level, shall be limited to a maximum street wall length, in total, of 25 percent of the street wall width of the building along the designated frontage, or 25 linear feet of street wall along such street frontage, whichever is less. The minimum width of such lobbies need not be less than 10 feet.

    However, C4 through C7 Districts where the floor area ratio for commercial uses is greater than or equal to 10.0, the maximum lobby length shall be modified such that the maximum street wall length, in total, shall not exceed 25 percent of the street wall width of the building along the designated frontage, or 50 linear feet of street wall along such street frontage, whichever is less. The minimum width of such lobbies need not be less than 20 feet.
  2. Entrances and exits to parking facilities

    Entrances and exits to off-street parking facilities, where permitted on the ground floor level, or portion thereof, shall be permitted subject to any applicable curb cut regulations of this Resolution.
  3. Entryways to mass transit stations

    Entrances and exits to mass transit stations, as defined in Section 66-11, may be provided on the ground floor level of a building without restriction in street wall width.