
Special Maintenance and Operation Regulations

The owners of two or more parcels may, either for purposes of certification pursuant to Section 62-811 or at any time thereafter, submit an alternate plan to the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission for the joint maintenance and operation of waterfront public access areas on such parcels, through an association or other entity established for this purpose or by other method. Such plan may include, in addition to provisions for maintenance and operation, alternate provisions with respect to security, liability and any other matters set forth in Section 62-72 (Performance and Maintenance Requirements), as well as special provisions for reporting and monitoring of compliance with obligations for maintenance and operation of the waterfront public access areas. Such plan and any instruments as are necessary for its implementation may be approved by the Chairperson and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation upon a determination that:

(1)        implementation of the plan would enhance maintenance and operation of the waterfront public access areas consistent with the purposes of this Chapter; and

(2)        participation in the plan is available to owners of contiguous parcels identified in the Gowanus Canal Waterfront Access Plan on an equal basis.
