
Tower Regulations

M1-3 M1-4 M1-5 M1-6

In the districts indicated, other than districts with an A suffix, any building or buildings, or portion thereof, which in the aggregate occupy not more than 40 percent of the lot area of a zoning lot or, for zoning lots of less than 20,000 square feet, the percent set forth in Section 43-451 (Towers on small lots), may penetrate an established sky exposure plane. (Such building or portion thereof is hereinafter referred to as a tower.) At any given level, such tower may occupy any portion of the zoning lot not located less than 15 feet from the street line of a narrow street, or less than 10 feet from the street line of a wide street, provided that the aggregate area so occupied within 50 feet of a narrow street shall not exceed 1,875 square feet and the aggregate area so occupied within 40 feet of a wide street shall not exceed 1,600 square feet.

If all of the buildings on a zoning lot containing such tower do not occupy at any level more than the maximum percent of the lot area set forth in this Section or Section 43-451 for towers, the tower may occupy any portion of the zoning lot located 20 feet or more from the street line of a narrow street or 15 feet or more from the street line of a wide street, provided that the aggregate area so occupied within 50 feet of a narrow street shall not exceed 2,250 square feet and the aggregate area so occupied within 40 feet of a wide street shall not exceed 2,000 square feet.
