Location of parking spaces in certain districts
All accessory off-street parking spaces on zoning lots with buildings containing residences shall be located in accordance with the provisions of this Section, except that in R1, R2, R3, R4A and R4-1 Districts within lower density growth management areas, the provisions of Section 25-622 shall apply. In addition, all such parking spaces shall be subject to the curb cut requirements of Section 25-63 (Location of Access to the Street).
R1 R2 R3-1 R3A R3X R4-1 R4A R5A
(a) In the districts indicated, for single- and two-family residences, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located within or to the side or rear of buildings containing residences. Accessory parking spaces may also be located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations only where such spaces are located in a driveway that accesses at least one parking space located to the side or rear of such building and no portion of such driveway is located in front of such buildings.
However, such parking spaces may also be located in a driveway directly in front of a garage, where such garage is within:
(1) a semi-detached building in an R3-1 or R4-1 District; or
(2) a detached building on a zoning lot with at least 35 feet of frontage along the street accessing such driveway, and at least 18 feet of uninterrupted curb space along such street.
No parking spaces of any kind shall be allowed between the street line and street wall of an attached or semi-detached building in an R1, R2, R3A, R3X, R4A or R5A District, or for an attached building in an R3-1 or R4-1 District.
R3-2 R4 R5
(b) In the districts indicated, other than R4-1, R4A, R4B, R5A, R5B and R5D Districts, for single- and two-family residences, accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located within or to the side or rear of buildings containing residences. Accessory parking spaces may also be located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations, provided that, for buildings on zoning lots with less than 35 feet of street frontage, such spaces are located in a driveway in the side lot ribbon, and provided that for buildings on zoning lots with at least 35 feet of street frontage and at least 18 feet of uninterrupted curb space along a street, either:
(1) no more than two parking spaces located between the street line and street wall of such buildings and their prolongations shall be accessed from a single curb cut, and the parking area for these spaces shall not be more than 20 feet in width measured parallel, or within 30 degrees of being parallel, to the street line; or
(2) a group parking facility with five or more spaces is provided and is screened in accordance with the requirements of Section 25-65 (Screening), paragraphs (a) or (b), as applicable.
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12
(c) In all districts, as indicated, for zoning lots with buildings that are multiple dwelling residences, all accessory off-street parking spaces shall be located only within such buildings or in any open area on the zoning lot that is not between the street line and the street wall of such buildings and their prolongations.
However, on through lots, such limitation shall only apply along one street frontage.
In addition, such limitation shall not apply on zoning lots occupying an entire block, or to large sites.